Chapter 14 (M)

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Surprise! Things are going to get a little bit steamy in the Im's house. If ya know what I mean *eyebrow wriggle oh and if you dont like mature content then dont read it. If you are innocent, i'm sorry. Bye

Jaebum saw how red and sweaty Youngjae looked like. He was shifting on the couch the whole day already.

Ofcourse Jaebum wasn't stupid, he knew what was going on. But he wasn't entirely sure if youngjae did by the looks of it.

He was in heat.

Jaebum walked up to youngjae and sat down next to him on the couch. Youngjae's breathing was fast and deep. He was blinking rapidly trying to focus on the movie infront of him while rubbing his thighs together.

He whimpered as he held his teddy.

He turned to look at Jaebum and Jaebum saw the puppies eyes getting watery. He extended his arms inviting him, and the puppy jumped into his owner's arms. He sat on his lap while hiding his face in Jaebum's neck. Breathing in his owner's scent.

He started moving his hips, trying to create friction, what made Jaebum all flustered. He stopped the puppy from moving hearing a whimper.

Jaebum knew what the puppy needed, even though the puppy himself didn't. But he didnt want to risk scaring the puppy to death because of the past.

He didn't want him to be reminded of that pervert, if he wanted to do it, he wants to do it out of love.

"D-daddy" the puppy moaned into Jaebum's neck. Jaebums eyes were huge now.

'Did he just call me..' Jaebum thought.

Not that he minded, he got really turned on by it.

Jaebum grabbed Youngjae's cheeks making him look at him. He saw how his cheeks were red and how bothered the puppy was. His brown locks stuck to his forehead, his lips parted slightly and his chest rising up and down.

"D-daddy p-please help m-me, i-it hurts" the puppy whimpered.

Jaebum sighed.

"Youngjae you know what you are asking for right?" Jaebum said and saw the younger nodding. He raised his eyebrows, did he really know?

"I dont want to hurt you Youngjae" he sighed setting Youngjae down next to him.

Youngjae whined and made grabby hands.

"P-please please, make it go away" The puppy begged looking at his owner.

Jaebum was in doubt.
Should he? Or not?
He loves the puppy, thats definitely clear to him right now. But it'll be the first time they get this close, and it'll be the first time since the accident for Youngjae.

He looked at Youngjae, his lip was quivering, he was needy and Jaebum knew.

He grabbed his chin "are you sure about this?" Jaebum looked him in the eye.
He felt him nodding in his grip.
"Words" Jaebum demanded.

Youngjae shivered "y-yes daddy please" Youngjae begged.

"Jump" Jaebum said and Youngjae jumped on him, his legs around his waist.

Jaebum walked them both to the bedroom. He was sure of it, they both wanted it. He wanted to make love to him, claim him totally, mark him as his own.

He lay Youngjae down on the bed and climbed on top of him. The puppy was staring up at his owner. Jaebum caressed his cheek which he leaned into.
He inched closer to his face "I love you Youngjae" he whispered before their lips clashed together.

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