Chapter 8

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Thankyou all for the 2.4k I love you all, I'll keep trying my best♡ bless

Jaebum's pov-
His head was in the crook of my neck, as he was laying on my stomach. Eyes shut, soft breathing hitting my skin and his tail wrapped around my leg.

I heard footsteps coming from outside the door when I saw Yugyeom's face sneaking through the door. He saw the sight and mouthed a 'we are leaving' I nodded and mouthed a 'thankyou' to him. He smiled and closed the door. I took a deep sigh and unknowingly my lips curved into a small smile.

Never have I felt someone's body warmth against mine, never did I know how good it would feel. 'Im jaebum get a grip' I thought to myself. I softly stroked Youngjae's back, it was probably almost night and he had nothing to eat. "Youngjae-ah" I whispered. He started to squirm in my hold and slowly opened his eyes. He rubbed his eyes cutely with the back of his hands. "We have got to eat" I said noticing the pout on his lips. "Am not hungry~" he mumbled sleepily. "Jae-ah, come on. You have not eaten yet" I slowly sat up so he was sitting on my lap. I hooked my hands under his thighs as I lifted him up and held him in my arms.

He tightly held his arms around my neck, with his head still in my neck. I smiled, I actually could get used to this. I walked downstairs and sat him on the couch of the living room. He whined because I didn't hold him anymore. I did wonder, after everything I have put him through. He always stayed clingy, why doesn't he hate me? I guess its a hybrid thing, to be clingy. Anyway I want it to be another reason, I want him to sincerely like me.

I walked to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. "Fucking hell, all the food gone" I said. This is the last fucking time they all can come in here. I looked around and found nothing to eat, there was a nearby shop thats open for 24 hours a day. We could eat ramen there. I quickly walked upstairs to get a sweater and walked back into the living room.

Youngjae didn't tear his eyes away from me. "Arms up" I said and he obeyed. I put him in my sweater, which surprised him. "Its cold outside, we going for a walk okay?" I said extending a hand and he nodded, hesitantely grabbing it

-3rd person POV-
Jaebum and Youngjae are ready to head out. Both wear a jacket and Jaebum quickly grabs his keys. Youngjae waits for him.

"Are you ready to go?" Jaebum asks. Youngjae nods and flashes him a smile.

Jaebum grabs Youngjae's hand and they head out. They walk towards the supermarket, hand in hand. Youngjae feels Jaebum's warm hand in his and he begins to blush. He loves the warm feeling of the elders hand in his. Jaebum rubs Youngjae's hand with his thumb and Youngjae feels like his face couldn't be redder then at this moment. He hangs his head low so Jaebum wasn't able to see his face.

Jaebum looks over to the younger and sees his head hanging low. "Youngjae are you okay?" Youngjae's ears peak up and looks over to the older boy. "Y-yeah I-I'm okay." Jaebum sees the blush on the younger's face and smirks.

"What did I do to make you blush so hard?"

"I- I don't know." He was lying, of course he knew. But he didn't want Jaebum teasing him with the fact that he would only blush when the older held his hand.

They arrive at the store and Youngjae is excited to see all the food. Though he was not that hungry before, now he sees the food his stomach starts to rumble.

His tail wags in excitement and hits the back of Jaebum's legs. "I thought you weren't hungry?"

Youngjae's face starts to turn red again and his tails wags a lot slower now because he's embaressed. "I- I am now.." the younger says silently.

"It's okay Jae, take all the things you want okay?" Jaebum flashes him a smile. Youngjae nods in response and smiles back at him.

Youngjae lets go of Jaebums hand and walks towards the candy section. He looks around and spots a big lollipop. The lollipop is all kinds of colours and Youngjae's face lights up when he sees it. Jaebum walks up to Youngjae from behind and puts his hands on Youngjae's waist and hugs him from behind.

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