Chapter 11

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Youngjae's ears perked up. He heard laughter coming from the living room. He held Jaebum's hand tightly. He could recognize one of the voices.


"Hyungie, is Jinyoungie here?" Youngjae asked looking cutely up to Jaebum. He flashed him a smile. "Yes he is, and he brought a friend." Jaebum said with sarcasm on the word friend.

Youngjae nodded.
He heard the other voice, but could not recognize it. Although it sounded familiar.

"Hyungie wait!" Youngjae exclaimed. They stopped in their track and Jaebum raised his eyebrows. "What is it baby?" He asked.

"My clothes, they are dirty" Youngjae pouted. Jaebum chuckled and ruffled the youngers hair. "Go change then, i'll wait for you in the living room" Youngjae nodded and ran upstairs. Holding his teddy tightly in his arms.

Jaebum chuckled.

He walked back into the living room, not knowing what the two were talking about. He just sat down on the chair.

"Where is Youngjae?" Jinyoung asked. "He is changing, he'll come soon" Jaebum said grabbing his phone and waiting patiently for his sunshine to come back.

"Hey Jaebum, where is the bathroom? I really need to take a shit" the other said. "Great to know, its the first door on the left" Jaebum said not looking up.

The said person walked away, leaving the two boys in the living room.

"Jaebum, you've really changed" Jinyoung said receiving a glare from Jaebum. He threw his hands up in defence "hey I mean it in a good way" Jinyoung chuckled. And Jaebum couldn't stop the small smile on his face.

"You are actually really nice" Jinyoung said. "Well thankyou, I know" Jaebum said sarcastically making the other chuckle. "Why do you hang out with him?" Jaebum asked Jinyoung. "Who?" Jinyoung asked.

"Namjoon ofcourse" Jaebum said. Jinyoung sighed. "His parents are close with mine, I kinda knew him since childhood. So how could I not" Jinyoung said and Jaebum nodded.

"He really is taking a shit" Jinyoung laughed and Jaebum did too. They both went on with something else. Jaebum scrolling through his phone and Jinyoung grabbing a book from his bag.

Youngjae was changing his clothes. He opened the drawer and searched for his cat onesie that Jaebum bought for him.

He thinks its comfortable, fluffy and its from Jaebum so he wanted to wear it.

He groaned in frustration when he couldn't find it.

He stomped his feet and looked around.

"Maybe in the bathroom" Youngjae mumbled to himself. He walked to the bathroom and searched in the drawers there. He squealed when he found it and hugged it tightly.

He took his dirty clothes off and neatly placed them in the basket. He quickly stepped into his onesie. He finally figured how to wear one.

He zipped it up and hugged the cat tail that was attached to the suit. The cat ears covering his own brown ears. Almost making him look like a real kitty.

Not noticing a presence behind him.

"Well look at you, aren't you adorable" a voice behind Youngjae said. Youngjae's ears perked up again, he knew it was not Jaebum nor Jinyoung. It was that familiar voice, he tensed.

He held his own tail tightly when he heard the footsteps come near.

He shivered in fear.

He felt hands going up from his waist to his shoulders. He whimpered from the touch. A dark chuckle was heard and he closed his eyes tightly.

"You know" the familiar voice said. He roughly got turned around but he held his eyes tightly closed. He didn't dare to open them.

"Look at me" the voice said but Youngjae shook no. He was shaking and silently begging for his Jaebum to come.

He heard the man sigh, and his chin got grabbed. "Look at me cutie" the voice said. The grip only getting tighter. He slowly opened his eyes and completely widened them when he saw who it was.

"Did you miss me?" Namjoon smirked. He leaned in wanting to give a kiss but Youngjae looked away.

"Still disobeying." Namjoon said chuckling. He grabbed the youngers hand tightly and dragged him to the bedroom. He sat him down on Jaebum's bed where Youngjae froze.

He grabbed the teddy that he placed on the bed and hugged it, afraid of what was going to happen.

Namjoon laughed at the sight and grabbed his phone. He made a picture and Youngjae closed his eyes because of the flash.

"He is going to be so happy, when I tell him I found his pet" Namjoon said typing a message on his phone.

He put it away and kneeled infront of Youngjae, so he was on eye level with him.

"Didn't you miss your TaeTae?" Namjoon asked. Youngjae shook his head and wanted to cry.
Namjoon caressed his cheek and smiled.

"Its okay, he will only be slightly angry mhm? Just be obey like the good puppy you are and come back with me" Namjoon said grabbing Youngjae's hand but he took it back. He jumped into the corner of the bed, hiding in fear.

Namjoon clicked his tongue.

"JaeJae, TaeTae is going to be very angry this way" Namjoon said.
"G-go a-away" Youngjae whispered.
Namjoon shook his head.

"Do you really think Jaebum cares about you? You are so naïve Youngjae." Namjoon said but Youngjae kept shaking his head hugging the teddy tightly.

"Jaebum was forced to get you, and now to take care of you" Youngjae's tears rolled over his cheeks.
"You are going back" Namjoon exclaimed.
"N-no! I-I dont wanna!" Youngjae yelled and quickly hid behind his teddy.

Namjoon stood up and walked towards him.
"Jae-ah! Are you okay?" He heard Jaebum yell from downstairs.

Youngjae's ears perked up again when he heard him walking up the stairs.
Namjoon panicked.
"If you tell him the truth, then you know what's going to happen" Namjoon threatened.

"If you tell him, then your Jaebummie will get hurt. You dont want that right?" Namjoon said and Youngjae slowly shook his head.
"Good boy"

Y'all 😭😭 thanks for the reads and votes and uhg everything♡

The support makes me criii😢❤

Shoutout to Woozical for being the great teacher she is HAHA


Go follow my shared account: -bamboo-
Me and the lovely chey -yugyums will write GOT7 stories and maybe others♡

Follow her 2 cuz she is amazing, deserves it and writes awesome stories😙

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