Chapter 13

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"You're so stupid, ugly fag" A tall boy kicked the small crying boy. He held his teddy tightly too his chest.

"You're such a mommy boy, so weak, such a cry baby" another boy said chuckling.

The boy pulled the crying boy up by his hair.
"So pathetic" he kicked his face and left him there.
The boys ran off laughing, being proud of themselves.

"L-lets go m-mr teddy" the boy sobbed holding his teddy's hand.

The crying boy walked home, it was getting late and cold.
but he got home.
He opened the door and walked straight to the living room.
He saw his mom laying on the couch, sound asleep.
His dad was no where to be seen, probably at work again.

"M-mommy?" The boy mumbled.
His mother slowly opened her eyes, yawning a bit and then realizing the state of her son.

"My baby!!" The mom said she picked up the boy under his arms and sat him on her lap. She brushed her hand through his hair and he snuggled into her chest.

"My baby, did they bully you again!?" The mom asked worried. She felt her little son nodding.

"Whats going on here?" A deep voice said standing in the door frame. The man came closer and sat next to his wife and son.

"They bullied him again. It never stops honey" the woman said with tears in her eyes. The man sighed.
"We'll go to school and talk with the principal. For now let him sleep, tomorrow our baby will turn 12 years old" the man said with a smile ruffling his hair.

The boy giggled and stopped crying.
His dad is always late at home, but when he does come home. The boy feels happy.

When that day passed the parents really went to school. The bullying stopped, only because the boy transferred to another school.

2 years later

The boy felt happy
He finally got friends
He made a lot of them actually
You could say he was popular.
Until he had to come home every day, seeing his mother drunk, father not home.

That was his life.

A yelling mother, father coming home late at night from work. And the boy? He was so popular, so many friends yet he felt lonely.

Thats when it happend.
Every night in his bed, he would cry, he stopped crying when he remembered what the bullies said.

"You're such a cry baby"

Thats what he would hear every night.
So instead of crying.
He had his skin, to remind himself, that he is not strong. That he is weak.

People at school?
They knew, they knew it all.
What the boy was going through, everyone knew.
They didn't do anything, they ignored his pain. They loved and appreciated the happy boy, they didn't want to know more.

The boy felt like going mad, he laughed like a crazy kid. Laughing because of his pain.
Everyone knew,
Yet didn't do anything.

"They don't care about your pain" is what he thought every day.
Faking a smile, was tiring for him.

For 2 years he lived like that, ignoring his own pain, acting happy, while he was not.

Thats when the boy started to use pills. Sleeping pills. To sleep his sorrows away.

The boy questioned everything when his parents started to go back to normal.

"Youre getting a little brother" his mom said. "Jaebum-ah isn't it nice to have a little brother?"

To say jaebum was devastated was not all. He felt useless, he felt like the worst son one could ever have.
16 years of living, and the only thing he has ever been was a disappointment.

His parents weren't happy enough with him. Thats why they are adopting another child right?

That were his thoughts.

Kim Yugyeom
He was lonely too
But he took it differently than Jaebum, Yugyeom could play on his own, not minding the world, he was strong.

It made jaebum feel even more stupid, more selfhatred, and more jealous towards Yugyeom.

At college
Jaebum had another chance
To make friends.
But he shut himself out
Acting like the strong bad boy that he wasn't.

He just wanted a friend
He just wanted to be cared for
He wanted someone
Who knew without asking, who cared and worried no matter what situation.

For Yugyeom
it was hard and painful to walk past his brothers bedroom at night.
Hearing the muffled cries.
Until it stopped because the sleeping pills kicked in.

The two boys never got close.
Yugyeom was too scared to get close, he felt like it wasn't his place to do so. He felt guilty, and all he wanted was his hyung to be happy.

Jaebum wanted to get close to his little brother, but he was scared as well. He felt jealous, he felt like he didn't deserve it. He was the depressed son, the sad older brother, the mean lonely kid.

He didn't deserve to be happy
Is all he thought, is all he ever thought.

As for now
He starts to think differently.
Laying in bed with a hybrid in his arms, brushing his hand through his hair, hearing little snores, feeling a tail against his leg, he can't stop the smile on his face.

His past keeps haunting him, how can he not think about it?

The anwser is now obvious to him.

"I love you Youngjae" he whispered and fell asleep.

I kinda cried
While writing this.

This is basically a chap to explain about Jaebum's childhood, his way of thinking throughout the years etc. Yall hated him a lot right? He is a smol precious baby too okay?

Hope y'all liked this chap before it gets all serious and shit huehue


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