chapter 4

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-Jaebums pov-
Finally the mountain of doom has been cleared and we cleaned up the wetty mess in the kitchen together. We laughed so much that our stomach hurted. I regained my senses and coughed.

"Lets order pizza" I suggested and he seemed to be okay with it. When the pizza finally arrived we dugged in. He was still being cautious around me, making me frown. I then rememberd what I should confront him with. But for now, I wanted to eat in peace.

We ate and cleared up the stuff again before going upstairs. Changing into our pj's and laying in my bed. I still felt weird about it, having a hybrid in my room. But I slowly felt to be opening up to it. I smiled as he wrapped his arms around my waist again.

His ears perked up. "Youngjae-ah" I started and he looked up, still not letting go. "Im your owner right?" And he nodded. "But also your hyung, right?" He nodded again a bit confused as to why I was questioning this.

"I want to know more about you" I blurted out. "You told me, your previous owner didn't take you out, was there a special reason?" I asked him straight to the point.

I felt his arms loosening and I pouted. Why was he acting like this? His ears went down and his tail stopped waggling. I was a bit turned off by it, but worried as well. He didn't look me straight in the eyes anymore, and just looked down. Just as the first time that I met him.

With that yelling man in the room. "Has your reaction to do anything with that man in the office?" I asked but he shook no. "I-I had a-another o-owner before" he stuttered. He has only stuttered ever since I met him.

"Youngjae look at me" but he didn't. I tried it more firmly "Choi Youngjae" but still he didn't he whimpered. I grabbed his chin and made him look at me.

"Dont be afraid, whatever happend. It won't happen again. I know i've been an ass, but I really am starting to like you" I said.

Ive never been really embarassed about my feelings, i'd always tell people straight away what I would think.

Bad or good, being honest was a first. He widened his eyes. "Y-you l-like me?" He asked and I nodded. He mumbled something which I couldn't quite hear.

"Say that again?" I asked. "I t-thought y-you hated me.." he mumbled. I wasn't surprised. I grabbed his hands and squeezed it softly. "Youngjae, its me not you. Dont worry okay? I dont hate you. You are the first person ever that ive been this close with" I assured.

It was no lie. It would usually be me laying in my bed the whole day after college, and yugyeom would do everything. But at the moment I loved how everything was going.

"Please tell me bit by bit, I dont want to force you. But its important to me, to know" I asked. He had his head low and squirmed away from my grip to fumble with his fingers. "T-Taehyung" he said. "Is that the name of your previos owner?" And he nodded.

Well it was a start. "H-he.. he" it was hard for him to find his words,he was struggling and tears were forming. I put an arm around his shoulder. "Tell me sweety" I said.

I never ever ever have given someone a nickname. But I loved the way it fitted Youngjae. "H-he u-used me" he mumbled. I was kinda confused and felt dumb not knowing what he meant. "How so?" I asked. He shook his head furiously, like he was having a panic attack.

I grabbed his cheeks and made him look at me. "Youngjae its okay, im here" I assured. He nodded and tried explaining again. He took a deep breath.

"F-first I t-thought he just l-loved me. B-but he wanted more, I resisted becauze it hurt" he said. I widened my eyes, what was hurting? I was confused and in disbelief.

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