Chapter 15

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"Why are you so upset" Yugyeom giggled.

"Kitties don't like to be thrown in the water, you know?" Mark said, Jackson laughed along side Youngjae who is back at Yugyeom's house while Jaebum is at college.

The four boys were talking about their vacation, and the hilarious prank they did to Bambam.

Bambam pouted and Mark cooed at the cute sight. "Don't be sad bammie, it was funny" Mark ruffled his hair.

"Worst vacation ever" Bambam said and that made the three other boys only laugh more.
"Did you ever have an other vacation then?" Yugyeom asked with a grin.

Bambam groaned in frustration.

"So it was a nice time?" Youngjae spoke up. "Yeah it was, kinda cold but it was fun." Jackson said.

Youngjae nodded.

"So hows things going between you and my hyung?" Yugyeom asked pulling Youngjae up to sit on his lap. While the other three were sitting on the couch.

"I g-guess f-fine" he said with a red tint in his cheeks.
"Youngjae is blushing! I bet something special happened" Bambam fanboyed.

Yugyeom looked at Youngjae curiously. "Tell us" he shot him a smile.

Youngjae felt flustered and warm inside. "He a-asked me if I-I wanted to be his b-boyfriend" Youngjae said hiding his face in Yugyeom's neck after.

Yugyeom cooed at his cuteness and rubbed his back. "And what did you say?" Mark asked while hugging Jackson.

They saw the puppy hybrid nodding meaning a yes.

Everyone was happy for the puppy, especially Yugyeom who looked with a loving stare at Youngjae. He felt happy, not only for Youngjae but also his brother. He really changed, and he deserved this kind of love.

"Hey!" Bambam whined seeing everyone hugging, and him being left out. With pouting lips he shuffled over to Youngjae's side.

He picked the puppy hybrid up out of Yugyeom's hold. Making the puppy shriek by the sudden move.

"Now its my turn" Bambam said to Yugyeom and grabbed Youngjae's hand running towards the bedroom and locking the door behind.

The puppy and cat played videogames together, while talking and eating some crisps.

Jaebum at school was getting stressed out. His exams were coming up, and he hasn't really been focusing on his studies.

There was a change though, and he didn't mind it.

"Jaebum can I borrow your pencil?" Jinyoung asked and Jaebum nodded giving him the pencil to his new seatmate.

Yes seatmate

The Im Jaebum that always sat alone, is sitting next to someone now. He is getting used to it.

Jaebum got help from Jinyoung, as he wasn't the best at math. Jinyoung tried to explain it as best as he could.

"Hey love birds" Namjoon said from behind them with a grin. The two turned around with Jaebum glaring at him.

"Sorry but I got a boyfriend already" Jaebum said winking at Namjoon. Both Jinyoung and Namjoon raised their eyebrows and looked at him in wonder.

"Boyfriend?" Jinyoung asked, guinenly qurious.
Jaebum nodded.

"Who?" Namjoon said with annoyance.
"Youngjae" Jaebum said turning around again, back facing Namjoon.

Namjoon's eyes widened, and Jinyoung wondered why he reacted that way.

Jaebum was totally obvlious to the glint in Namjoon's eyes, and the way how quickly he grabbed his phone.

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