one last time

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This will be the last update for s.o.s

I can't thank people enough for everything this story achieved.

Honestly, I never expected this story to be where it is now.

S.o.s (slave or soulmate) was my first story, on wattpad which I had dedication for.

Now, my writing style can be a mess, so is my grammar etc. But a lot of you didn't seem to mind, and read through it.

I thankyou for going through that lmao

All the votes
The comments
My followers

It was all such an motivation for me to keep going. Often I just wanted to throw it all away, feeling like I sucked.

But im glad I didn't
Because I regret nothing at all

Everyone was so supportive, sweet and funny. I seriously am blessed.

I met a lot of people on here, a few of them closer than others.

I don't regret meeting any of you, each of you loved me for who I am, accepted me for who I was, supported me and I am seriously so thankful for that.

Now s.o.s might not be the best story, and maybe one day I will rewrite some parts.

No I won't change the story, just making it better by changing words here and there.

But no I won't ever change it.
I love it the way it is and how it turned out.
I am very proud and content with it.

I hope to keep writing in the future! Close friends of mine know my struggles.

But I love writing whenever I have motivation

And you all help with that, so thankyou♡

Im so emo
Im going to miss puppy Youngjae, im going to miss the pop ups from you all!

But who knows
Maybe in the future again

To everyone who reads this♡
You are loved, cared for, wanted and special each in your own way.

Without you all, this story wouldn't have gotten to where it is today!

Thankyou so much for all the support, it's officially the ending of s.o.s

But I hope to see you guys again


I love you all always stay strong through everything♡♡


S.O.S《2jae》Where stories live. Discover now