Chapter 24

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Taehyung almost shot, but smirked.

He saw Youngjae walking forward, pushing Jaebum away

Jaebum's eyes widened and he grabbed the youngers wrist.

"Come here now" Taehyung growled and the puppy obeyed, roughly yanking his wrist out of Jaebum's grip.

Jaebum wanted to move, but Taehyung still aimed the gun at him.

Youngjae stood infront of Taehyung, as he whimpered when he grabbed him tightly and held him close.

"Im Jaebum, if you didn't come. This wouldn't be such a mess. Look around you" Taehyung sighed.

And he did

Jaebum saw Namjoon laying on the ground, head on Jinyoung's lap. As Jinyoung cried and tried to stop the bleeding. Namjoon was coughing and trying to stay awake.

Youngjae was silently sobbing, while Taehyung brushed his hand through the puppies hair.

Which only made Jaebum more aggravated.

"Dont touch him" Jaebum growled.

Taehyung smirked

"He is my pet, I can do all I want" Taehyung said.

Jaebum closed his eyes to calm down his anger.

"He is no pet, he is a boy, a gorgeous, handsome, funny, cute boyfriend! You wouldn't ever understand, you are sick. And you will regret this all!" Jaebum screamed.

Youngjae looked at Jaebum, his heart warming at his words.

His Jaebum

Jinyoung holding Namjoon and looking up at the scene infront of them as well, tears rolling over his cheeks.

Taehyung laughed.

"I heard you didn't take care of him either in the beginning. You are awful as well Jaebum" Taehyung chuckled

Jaebum nodded.

"You're right" Jaebum sighed.

"Bummie no.." Youngjae whispered

"Yes I treated him like shit, hurt him psychically and mentally. I didn't treat him the way he should be treated." Jaebum started.

"But he taught me what frienship was, what sharing and caring meant, what love means" Jaebum said as he slightly shot a smile towards Youngjae who had tears rolling over his cheeks.

"Something you will never learn, and I feel sorry for you.." Jaebum said as he locked eyes with Taehyung.

"Sorry that you are such a pathetic loser" Jaebum ended.

Taehyungs anger rose even more

"Enough! Im done with this! Both of us, are going to be happy without you all. Good bye Im Jaebum" Taehyung said as he aimed the gun again.

Youngjae screamed but it was too late.

A gunshot was heard throughout the apartment.

Jinyoung looked up in shock.

Youngjae closed his eyes, as tears streamed out of them.

It was silent, only a gasp was heard. The sound of a body hitting the floor.

"Youngjae?" He heard a voice whisper.

The voice he would never forget
The voice he would always and forever want to hear.
The voice that makes him feel loved and safe.

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