In the Beginning

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"Em, he agreed, he agreed to come out with us on Saturday"

"Really? Oh April I'm so happy for you"

Em was my best friend, she had been since Year 7, we'd been through everything together, arguments, heartbreaks you name it, but we'd always stood by each other and came out stronger than ever. Em was the first to know  all my secrets, including the biggest one, that I had only managed to keep a secret for a year, but was still completley true. Everything was fine, I was just the quiet girl that no one really noticed until one day someone overheard Em and I talking in the corridor about my 'big secret' and word got out, by the end of the week everyone knew and I'd gone from the quiet girl no one noticed to being the top of everyone's agenda for juicy gossip. 

I'd had a crush on George Shelley since we'd started at Weston High, he was in Year 9 when Em and I started and I'd stare at him every time he walked past me in the corridor. When he started to notice me staring he would often smile back and I'd melt inside. When word started getting out about my big crush, it wasn't long until his year found out and soon he knew just as much as everyone else. When I'd seen him with his friends, his friends would often laugh and point or joke about my crush on him but George always kept quiet, he never joined in or poked fun, just smiled at me. As time went on he started telling his friends to stop and they soon got bored and forgot.

When Year 9 came by I started to struggle in my English lessons; I wasn't learning anything, everything went in, then straight back out. George was 2 years above me and getting top marks so he was asked to help me twice a week for an hour after school, being the sweet boy he is, he agreed. When my teachers told me he was going to help me I didn't believe them, I thought they knew about my crush and were having a joke. They weren't.

The first day we met in the school library, I had been dreading it for the previous week, thinking he would laugh at me, knowing it would be awkward. But he didn't and it wasn't. I'd made my way to the library going through every possible bad turn out of the tutoring sessions but when I got to the library George was already there waiting for me. Still nervous of how it would pan out, I slowly walked over towards him with my head held down, when he saw me he caught my eyes and smiled then pulled out a chair for me. George didn't waste any time on being awkward, it was as if he'd either known me for years and was completely comfortable with me or he'd only just met me and had no reason to be awkward. As he sat there on the seat beside me explaining things I sat with my head on my hand gazing into his eyes. His voice was so soothing and calm, I'd never really spoken to him before but as he sat with his head looking down at an exercise book, explaining what the page was talking about I noticed how perfect the shape of his lips were. God I wanted to kiss him so much. Every so often he would look up to make sure I understood, I'd give him a reassuring nod and the corners of his mouth would raise ever so slightly to show a tiny but smile that made my heart flip inside my chest. After the hour had passed he looked at his watch and told me that we had done enough for the day. I'd spent ninty percent of the hour staring at George's beautiful face, yet somehow his voice had made things so easy to understand and instead of zoning out he made me want to listen, I was already feeling a lot more confident in the subject.  

As we were making our way out of the library I asked him something I thought I'd regret straight away.

"You know I like you, right?"

He giggled in a cute, boyishly handsome way "Who doesn't?"

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