There Goes Hope

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By November I'd been watching George and his band on The Next Big Thing every Saturday since their audition. It had started to feel as if ever seeing George again was almost impossible because now I would just be another one of the bands fans who's crazily in love with George, the difference was that the other girls just thought they knew him and were in love with the George they knew, I was in love with the real George. 

Week 7 came by and George's band Union J we're still in the competition. The results show came and Union J were put through, once every act had been put through and the act with the least votes had been sent home, a preview of the next weeks show flashed on. Next week was home town week, in which all of the acts went back to their hometown for a few days and were followed around by cameras doing their everyday life pre show. That meant that George was coming back to Bristol. My body started tingling at the thought of seeing George again. 

Just as I was about to switch the TV off, clips of the contestants talking about what they were looking forwards to seeing or doing back home started playing. Then George came on.

'I'm excited to see all my old friends again' he said with a sweet smile.

Then I noticed his eyes starting to twinkle before he said 'there's this girl I haven't seen in a while, I'm hoping we can pick up where we left off'.

My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. My heart started thumping in my chest and a smile spread across my face. Surely George wasn't talking about me. That 'girl' can't have been me. George doesn't miss me otherwise he would have contacted me. Suddenly all hope of George missing me and wanting to see me again was wiped out and I was left feeling sad, lonely and betrayed. Why had George never called? Okay he'd got a new number but he could have at least text me to say he had a new number. Who had George been missing? Clearly whoever this mystery girl George had been crushing on, was on her way to becoming George's girlfriend and I'd never really meant anything to him.

Just as I started to feel the tears falling from my eyes I head the living room door open and I quickly wiped away the tears before turning around to confirm my mum was standing at the door.

'That band you like get through again?' she asked causally.

'Yeah' I said as if it didn't bother me much.

Mum knew about George, she'd known I'd always had a crush on him, and she'd known about the after school tutoring but her knowledge of the relationship between George and I didn't extend beyond there. When mum had seen Union J on TV she hadn't for one second linked the band to George, I guess he wasn't important enough for her to remember him, besides she'd only ever met him once and that was a merely few seconds lasting just long enough to say 'nice to meet you' and 'goodbye'.

My mum walked straight past me and put some clothes on the radiator next to the sofa I was sitting on, still wanting to cry I quickly jumper off the sofa and ran upstairs, shutting my bedroom door behind me, throwing myself onto my bed and hiding my eyes in my arms. Tears quickly came streaming out and I couldn't control my emotions. I wanted George back, I wanted to be in his arms again, I missed him and I missed the warmth of his arms around me, the safety and guidance of his hand holding mine.  

After a few minutes of crying and soaking up the thought of never seeing George again, my phone started to buzz. I second thought answering it, but after Em's name flashed on the screen I sniffled and dried my eyes as much as possible.

"Hey Em, what's up"

"What's up with YOU April?" she asked sounding worried.

Okay so pretending everything was cool wasn't working and Em had clearly heard the tremble in my voice.

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