Just Like A Dream

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Firstly guys I just want to apologise for not having posted in soooooo long, I'm soooo sorry but I've been incredibly busy, I started college in September and get bucket loads of homework and now I have a job too so it's all just been piling up, however I have got a new chapter for you all and I've already started on my next chapter, I promise I'll be working every free minute I get to keep this story up to date! Thank You again for all your support and dont forget to like and comment with some feedback, I'd appreciate it :) anywayyy on with the chapter:


I shot up in bed and immediately checked the time, 1:25am. Em was fast asleep on top of the air bed on the floor next to my own bed and I’d forgotten to text George. I hadn’t even gotten my phone out of my bag last night so I quickly searched the floor for my bag in the darkness. I pulled out what felt like the rectangular shape of my phone and shoved the charging cable into it. The phone burst to life not a minute later and let off a burning light against the darkness that was swallowing up my room, so I pulled the cable as far as it would stretch and hid myself and the phone under my duvet.

After saving George’s number under ‘G’ with my favourite love heart emoji I typed in a text that read:

Georgey, extremely sorry I forgot to text you, my phone died and I was so exhausted I fell asleep pretty quickly. However my guilty conscience woke me up and now I’m texting you at 1:32am. Apologies. A x

I lay in bed waiting for a reply like I had done all those months ago. When I finally accepted he was most likely asleep my phone blurted out Union J’s newest single.

I answered the phone in a hurry to stop the music but then realised I would probably make just as much noise speaking into it.

“Darling” George said in a tone that suggested he’d been sat waiting for my text all night and had waited to call, post-text just so he didn’t seem like he had been waiting.

“Listen” I said “my phone’s practically dead and Em’s asleep next to me so I’m gonna go grab the house phone which is fully charged and I’ll ring you back when I find somewhere I can talk”. I tried to whisper as quietly as possible, but I didn’t think I was very successful.

“Okay” he said still sounding very happy “don’t fall asleep again though” he laughed.

I laughed back quietly “I won’t do” and put the phone down.

I wrapped my dressing gown around me and walked down stairs barefooted towards the hall where the house phone was. The charger for the phone beeped as I picked the phone up and I heard a heavy breath came from the living room. As I lightly tiptoed across the wooden floor and into the living room I saw my dad had fallen asleep on the sofa again like most nights. Unsurprised but a little annoyed that I now could not sit down stairs nor upstairs and speak to George on the phone without risking waking anyone up, I made my way to the kitchen and slipped my feet into the wellingtons that were by the back door. I picked up the big purple torch that was sat on the kitchen counter and slotted it under my arm, opening the door with my free hand. I decided to take the keys with me in case anyone woke up, they were less likely to notice missing keys than an unlocked door.

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