Where it All Led

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I'm awoken by the chiming of my alarm at 6:45am, strangely enough I don't feel tired or unprepared for college like most days. I turn my head to see the sun glaring through the gap in my curtains and smile at the memory of George's spontaneous picnic yesterday. I can't quite work out how I managed to dream about the whole of George and I's history, starting with high school and ending with yesterday, surely I couldn't have been asleep for long enough to re-encounter every significant event involving George for the past five years, could I?

Nevertheless Thursday's were always my most frustrating days at college, I had a double period then a couple of free periods before another double, usually I'll wake up on a Thursday and dread the day, but not today, I was excited to tell Em all about our picnic and George had provided me with this ongoing excitement, he'd turned up at the shed spontaneously, I knew I was forever going to be waiting for the next spontaneous gesture and that was sensational.

I climbed out of bed and went downstairs to make a breakfast smoothie. By 8:05am I was shutting the door behind me and leaving for the bus stop with a smile on my face. I don't usually see Em on the bus, but I guess normally I'm busy wasting time and trying to avoid college for as long as possible that I never arrive at the bus stop this early.

"Oh my gosh! So guess what" I say throwing my bag onto the chair in front of Em's and sitting down in the one next to it, as if it's completely normal for me to be on the bus this early.

"You woke up on time?" she asks mocking me.

Well yes" I roll my eyes "but also, I literally dreamt the past five years last night".

"You what?" she looks confused.

"It was as if I was reading a book about my love story with George. The dream started back when we were in high school and I was crushing on George, and then it ended yesterday, it was like I was re-living every moment of the time I've spent with him".

"Well what happened yesterday?" from the look on her face, she's just as intrigued as I'd hoped she'd be.

"Okay" I reply, sitting up in my seat preparing myself before telling her the story of our picnic in the trees.

All she could say was "wow" when I finally finished, so I just replied with an "I know" and then suddenly it was over and she changed the conversation.

"Hey did you ask him about Saturday?"

"What about Saturday?" I can't remember if there was something we'd planned or not.

"Please tell me you've not forgotten already" she pleads but when I stare at her blankly she slaps her hand on her forehead and tells me anyway "the all-day music festival that we go to every year, you said you were going to ask George to come".

"Ohhhhhhhh" I say far too loudly "now I remember".

She raises her eyebrows at me telling me I've not answered the question.

"Yeah, no I haven't asked him yet" I admit guiltily.

When she looks at me with a confused expression I add "I keep forgetting but I'll ask him when we talk later today".

This seems an acceptable answer for Em because she nods and changes subject again.

I'd planned to spend my free periods in the library catching up on some unfinished homework but almost as soon as I walk out of the door from my first class my phone starts ringing, it's George.

"Is everything okay?" I ask, unsure of why he was awake at this time.

Turns out he's awake because he knew I had a bunch of free periods and wants to keep me company over the phone.

Eventually I remember to ask him about the festival, he sounds excited and tells me he'd love to but Josh was staying with him over the weekend and would have to come too, I said that was fine and it was all arranged, he'd pick Em and I up from my house at 11am on Saturday.

I don't see Em for the rest of the day so as soon as I get home I ring her.

"Em, he agreed, he agreed to come out with us on Saturday" I announce before she even has the chance to say hello

"Really? Oh April I'm so happy for you" she says sounding excited.

"Uhm okay" I laugh, wondering why she's so excited for the same festival we attend each year.

She must clock onto my confusion and quickly jumps in with "not just for Saturday, I'm happy because you finally got the guy you've been dreaming about dating since we started high school".

A smile spreads across my face, of course since George and I got together I've had those moments where I sit in shock about the fact that it's finally happening but I've completely forgotten about Em, she's been with me every step of this journey and it's probably just as exciting as her for the quest to have finally succeeded.

"Me too" I nod, more to myself more than anything.

The line was silent for a moment until I almost shout down the phone "I nearly forgot, he's bringing Josh".

I hear a little yelp come through the phone before she tries to sound calm and says "really?"

"Wow, you sure you've not be chasing George with me just to get to Josh?"

I can almost hear her eyes roll on her end as she mumbles "no".

I laugh "that's okay, you deserve to be happy too, don't worry we'll get you two together" I assure her.

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