How it's Going to Be

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I didn't see George for a couple of days after the meal, I presumed he was busy unpacking from tour and spending much earned time with his friends, he'd gone back to London after leaving my house and picking his bags up from his mums, of course we continued to text and call daily and by Wednesday I was beginning to miss his smile. I knew that he was supposed to be coming home to Brighton for a couple of days but we hadn't organised anything, I just presumed I'd get a casual call from him one day asking to hang out.

I had a half day on Wednesday's and they were also one of dads weekly three days off work so when I walked in through the door at half one in the afternoon I was surprised to not be greeted by him. The sofa, Dads usual spot was empty and there was no sign of him in his office so I just presumed he'd gone out for something. After dropping my bag in my room and booting up my laptop to make a start on my homework I went back down stairs and into the kitchen to grab a drink. It wasn't until I walked over to the cupboard to grab a glass that I saw Dad walking across the garden, he spotted me through the window and picked up his pace, moments later the door opened bringing in Dad and the chill.

"Drink that then head down to the shed" he said, nodding at the glass half full with water in my hand.

I gulped and then asked "why?" sounding puzzled.

"You'll see" he said smirking before leaving the room.

I was just starting to come up with some ideas as to what would be at the treehouse when he leaned his head back around the door.

"Oh and you might want your coat".

I nodded and swallowed the rest of the water before putting the glass into the sink and running upstairs to grab my coat.

Dad hadn't been specific about whether or not I was to ride to the shed, so I decided against it. It was at least a 10 minute walk through the wasteland to the shed. When I finally caught sight of the shed a figure quickly moved out of the doorway, I couldn't make out who it was but I didn't need to. There was a slight glow coming from the cracks in the wood of the shed, there must have been some sort of portable light or candles in there, whatever it was, it looked beautiful. I reached the doorway and smiled when I saw him, sat at the tiny table in front of some sandwiches, crisps, strawberries and two empty plastic wine glasses, on the shelves behind him were several small tea lights in glass lanterns and running around the top of the shed walls were the pink fairy lights.

"You got them to work?" I said pointing to the lights.

"It was just replacing a faulty bulb and some new batteries".

I grinned silently and he stood up and hugged me. As he sat back down he pointed at the plastic kids chair opposite him so I followed his lead and sat down.

"So" he says propping his elbows on the table and leaning forward to drop his head onto his hands dramatically, his face beaming.

I imitated him and when our heads were only centimetres away from each other he pulled away laughing. Neither of us said anything for a while after that, but it wasn't awkward at all, we were just bathing in each other's company. I was gazing out of the hole in the wood which Dad had made to look like a window, out at the ocean when his foot nudged mine and I quickly turned to look at him.

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