Just Wait

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The next few months went pretty slow, Union J came fourth on The Next Big Thing, it was neither an insignificant nor significant placing in the results, I guess you could say, most people didn't expect them to get that far, yet no one really expected them to leave. Obviously I was sad when they left, as it meant no more Saturdays spent waiting the whole day to see them perform, no more nervous Sundays spent waiting to find out if they were through to the next weeks show, and most importantly if things all went bad for George and his band, it was possibly the last time I would see George on my TV screen, I didn't want that moment to signify the end. However I was well aware of the huge fan base the band had picked up during the show and that the likelihood of the boys releasing and album and headlining their own tour in the future was probably quite likely, yet I couldn't help but feel sad.

Once the show had ended, Em and I spent the next month regularly checking social networking sites for any signs that Union J were coming to Bristol but there was not one Facebook status, Tweet or Instagram post suggesting they were in Bristol. We kept our eyes open around the neighbourhood as well, in the hopes that George would come home and we'd see him out and about, obviously George will have come back to Bristol at some point within the following month, yet Em and I were never lucky enough to 'bump' into him.

Soon Christmas had come round and on Christmas Day Jessica and Tara woke all the family up at 7am and claimed she'd been awake since 5 but wasn't allowed to get out of bed. When we all sat around the Christmas tree in our living room it took us all about 45 minutes to open all of our presents, Tara just tore through hers without caring what anyone else got or giving anyone time to even see what she'd got. Once all the presents were open and the floor was scattered with wrapping paper mum pulled out 5 envelopes from behind her and handed them to each of the children. I held mine in my hand waiting for people to open theirs, presuming it was just money, but when the others opened theirs and pulled out tickets to concerts of artists they liked. I wondered what tickets they could have given me, I wasn't really a big fan of anyone besides Union J, but I didn't even think they were doing any shows, let alone counted on my parents to know I was a fan. I wondered if they'd substituted any ticket for me with money, or if they'd bought me a ticket to a show Lauren liked without realising I didn't like her type of music. When I finally opened my envelope I did happen to find two tickets inside, I was not very expectant when I looked closer to see what the tickets were for, but when I read the event name in my head and put the words together as 'The Next Big Thing Live Tour 2013' I was more than pleased. I smiled to myself as I imagined myself seeing George again. I quickly glanced over the tickets and realised the seats weren't very close to the stage, meaning it was going to be harder to get George to notice me, but it still meant I was a step closer to finally being reunited with the love of my life.

"I thought you could take Em' my mum said, mirroring the smile on my face.

"Thanks mum" I replied, wrapping my arms around her and giving her a tight squeeze.

"I knew you liked that band that were on the show. What was their name?" Mum attempted to recall George's bands name. After many failed attempts I stepped in.

"Union J mum, they were called Union J".

"Ahhhh yes that's it! Union J. I knew it was something like that" she replied before turning to watch Jessica and Tara play with their presents.

Later that day I rang Em up to wish her a happy Christmas and to give her the good news about the advance in our plan.

"Oh my god! Really? You got tickets?" She asked down the phone sounding amazed.

"Yeah and you're coming with me" I said back in a happy tone.

"Ooo when is it?"

"Sometime late January. Hang on let me check" I went silent for a minute trying to find the tickets that I'd put on my desk 5 minutes ago "ahh here got them" I read the date out loud "Saturday the 26th January".

"Oh can't I'm busy then sorry" she said quickly and like she didn't care.

"WHAT?" I shouted back into the phone "no you can't be busy! I'm not going by myself, you're my best friend, and the plan master, don't leave me at such a vital stage. Please" I begged down the phone.

"Alright alright" she replied sounding taken back by my pleading "I was just joking, I'm not busy! I wanted to see how you'd react" she laughed.

"Ughh I hate you" I joked down the phone.

"You're really desperate to see him aren't you?" She asked.

"Of course I am, have you not been around me in the last 2 years?"

"Well yes, I have and especially in the past few months, and do you know what I think?"

"Please enlighten me"

"I think you have a bad case of fangirl" she said seriously.

I laughed and changed the subject. But for the rest of the day I couldn't get it off my mind. 'I think you have a bad case of fangirl’. The words kept flying around my head. Had I really turned into a fangirl? In most people's eyes the title 'fangirl' slotted you right in the middle of thousands of other 'fangirls' making you no more relevant to the person or people you were a fan of, than the fangirl stood next to you. If I agreed to let myself fall into the fangirl category I was officially letting myself become unimportant and irrelevant to George. I didn't want that.

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