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"Five years huh" he signed next to me but I was too focused on the bizarre patterns on the carpet underneath me.

He nudged my shoulder and I shook my head back to the world where George and I weren't a couple and never really had been.

"Did you ever imagine, when we were sat across from each other in the school library that we'd be sat here now?"

"What? Both trying to say a painful goodbye once and for all, but neither of us being strong enough to do it? No this wasn't a part of the plan George" I snapped suddenly.

His head jolted quickly towards me, I wasn't looking at him but I knew he was upset "don't be liked that".

I frowned and looked away from him but he leant his head down and rested his chin on my bent leg closest to him.

"What was the plan darling?"

"Never mind" I said still facing the lifts at the opposite end of the corridor.

I felt his head roll on my knee and when I glanced down he was staring up at me with the sad puppy dog eyes a child does when they want something. I was annoyed yet I couldn't help but giggle and ruffle his hair. He grinned a little and lifted his head up before shuffling round to sit in front of me crossing his legs.

He pulled my bent legs down hinting for me to cross them too and moaned "come on".

I shook my head and simply said "happiness".

He stared back at me prompting me to elaborate.

I sat up a little straighter and told him.

"I'd planned this whole future with you, yeah sad I know" I said looking down at my feet but he placed his hand on top of my knee and stroked it with his thumb. "I just wanted us to be a normal couple, going on road trips, hanging out at the beach, going on dates, you know doing coupley things. You made me happy and I never forgot that, but eventually it felt so wrong to remember that happiness. The plan fell to shreds when you followed your dream, and it's so wrong of me to be so selfish in wishing you never had, but maybe I wouldn't have spent so many months away from the comfort of your arms if you hadn't have left Bristol" I shook my head again, feeling so guilty that this was the truth.

He said nothing but stood up and walked to the opposite end of the corridor to where the lifts were, it was a similar building to his apartment block, in that there was a long window looking out over the city at the end of the corridor. I glanced up once to see him stood by the window staring out into the darkness, biting at his thumb nail in deep thought.

A few minutes later I felt him slide back down against the wall next to me, closer than before, his leg was touching my once again bent leg. I didn't look up until he pulled my hands apart which had been clutched together between my thighs and took my hand closest to him in his own, resting them between our knees.

"I won't let you go again April, I can't!"

I shook my head again, staring at the floor, I felt like I'd heard all this before but he squeezed my hand and said "look at me".

So I did, I looked up and was met by his big warm eyes staring back at me, he wasn't looking past me or through me, he was looking at me and I could see his heart in his eyes, he really did care.

"I can't make up for the lost time, and I can't give it you back, but if I could go back to that last day of school and promise you forever, I would."

He was starting to get very passionate so he dropped my hands and stood up.

"I would promise you forever and I would mean it" he said throwing his arms around and shuffling his feet "I'd never go a day without texting you to ask how your day went and I'd never go more than two weeks without seeing your face. I'd live my dream, but I'd live it with you".

I let out a little laugh at the performance he was giving and he stopped still in front of me, looked down and sighed.

"Unfortunately darling I'm not a time traveller, I can't go back and fix my mistakes, but what I can do is try to make things right. I may not be able to go back to 2011 are start over but I can start again now and properly this time".

I narrowed my eyes at George, trying to work out what he was getting at. He stepped closer until he was stood right in front of my knees.

"You want a normal relationship yeah?" he asked me seriously, but before I had the chance to answer he spoke again. "Well I can't promise you it'll be too normal but what I can promise is that I'm going to try my absolute hardest to make it up to you in every single way".

I felt my heart floating up out of my body a little, but then I was just waiting for him to drag it back down again.

"If you'll forgive me".

"What?" I asked, confused as to what he was saying.

"I want to be able to call you mine and show you off to the world" he looked out of the window, waiting for me to reply, but I stayed silent.

"If you'll have me?" he finally asked, stretching his hand down to me.

It wasn't until then that I clocked onto the fact that George Shelley was asking me to be his girlfriend after 7 years of waiting.

I took his hand and he pulled me up so I was standing in front of him. I thought about kissing him but it wasn't what I wanted right then so instead I threw my arms around his neck and buried my face in his shoulder blade.

After 2 years of staring at this stranger in the halls, then 5 years of getting to know him then getting to know the hole he left I couldn't believe this was really happening. Holding this guy in my arms that I was now dating didn't feel anything like I'd ever expected it to feel, I'd always planned for your typical petty high school relationship with George, but this wasn't anything like that, this was real. The high school we knew was long over.

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