Tired Of Waiting

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Weeks went by, months even, nothing happened, no sightings of George, no concerts to get noticed at, no walks through the park to discover he was waiting for me at the end, ready to run off into the sunset away from everything. I must admit, I dreamed about all these things, some days I would walk home alone just so that I could walk through the park, I'd hold my breathe until I got to the top of the hill where we lay on his last day, hoping to see him stood there, but when I got to an empty space, I let out a heavy sigh. I started riding Nero a lot; I'd spend hours sitting in the tree house alone, sometimes doing homework, sometimes just thinking.

June came around and I started to feel like I was never going to meet George again, I hadn't spoken to him in a whole 2 years and everyday I seemed to lose more and more hope. Until one day I was on my way to school and my phone buzzed, when I checked it, it was an email with that months Union J newsletter, I expected it to be the normal 'hey guys so this week we did this, and this and then we went here etc.' but when I opened it my heart started pounding as I read that I was entitled to pre-sale tickets to their tour. As I told Em I flicked through the various ticket options and 'VIP Meet & Greet Package' glared at me from the screen.

"We HAVE to get these" I told Em as I quickly texted my mum asking her if she could buy them for me.

My heart sank 2 minutes later when my phone buzzed again to show a message from my mum saying "too expensive".

The whole day things flew around my head, ideas on how I could afford them, what I would say to George if I got them and how much I NEEDED those tickets. When I got home from school I spent a whole hour trying to convince my mum of various ways we could afford the tickets but it seemed none of them were realistic and it was decided that I couldn't get meet and greet tickets. Mum agreed that she would buy me and Em normal tickets for my birthday but I was distraught, the past 10 months had been spent figuring out ways to meet George and then attempting them, this seemed like the only way it would work anymore and then that had become impossible too. It seemed I should just give up all hope of ever meeting George again and face the fact that it just wasn't meant to be.

I turned 16 on July 23, 4 days before George turned 18 but on the night of the 9th of July, exactly 2 weeks before my birthday I finally decided, enough was enough, it had all got too much for me and I couldn't bare being away from George any longer, I couldn't sit back and wait for something to happen knowing there was probably a 5 percent chance I would ever meet him again. 5 out of 100, that just wasn't enough and it wasn't the sort of luck I wanted to chance so I finally made a decision.

"I'm going to London Em" I told my best friend out of no where the next morning on our way to school.

"Oh really that'll be great, bring me back something nice won't you" she joked.

"I won't be coming back Em" I said seriously.

She laughed then stopped and looked at me "Wait what? You're serious?"

"Yeah, I've never been more serious".

"You're moving to London and you only just told me?" she sounded angry and hurt.

"I only just decided".

"What? You mean your mum and dad didn't decide you were all moving to London, it was your decision? I thought we were best friends but you're just packing up and moving to London and leaving me here?" she circled her arms around her showing Bristol wasn't really her favourite place "I thought our friendship meant more to you April" she shouted before storming off.

I had to run to catch up to her but when I did; I grabbed her arm and pulled her around to face me.

"My family aren't moving, it's just me" she tried to pull her arm free "you're the only one that knows" I whispered.

That got her attention and she stopped and turned back to me.


"I'm running away to London, I can't do this anymore, I can't be without George any longer, I need to know whether it could have been and I'm clearly not going to find that out by staying here in Bristol, 3 hours away from him".

"You can't go April, where will you stay? How will you look after yourself? And how will you even know where to start looking for George?" she asked as I saw a tear in her eye.

"I'll find somewhere, a bed and breakfast or something, I've been saving up, I've got about 50 quid at the moment but I'll get a job or something and I don't know, I guess I'll find out where their management is based and work from there".

"Please don't do this April" she begged as the tears started to roll.

"I have to Em, I promise I'll call you all the time and as soon as I find George and find out whether we ever stood a chance or whether we still do, I'll come straight back".

She shook her head and carried on walking so I followed her.

"Please Em, I need your support for this".

When she didn't reply I grabbed her arm "please".

"Fine" she sighed as she pulled her arm from my grasp "I'll help you, but when your mum asks me where you've gone, I can't lie".

I threw my arms around her "thank you. By the time she realises I'm gone, I'll already be in London".

Friday came and my bags were packed and I was ready to leave straight after school, Em had stuck to her promise and not told my mum that I was leaving, but I didn't doubt if my mum asked that she would tell her. I hadn't booked a train but I was pretty sure I would be able to buy a ticket at the station when I got there, my bag was in my school locker and Em had agreed to come to the station with me after school to say goodbye.

As we walked into the train station at 3:45 Em stopped just behind me. When I noticed I turned back to her.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"Are you actually going to go?" she replied, staring at me.

I laughed at the fact that she'd just asked me that "yeah I am".

"Please don't do this April" she said bursting into tears.

I dropped my rucksack on the floor and pulled her into me.

"I'm sorry Em, I said I would and I am, I thought you were okay with this".

"Well I'm not" she said, her head on my shoulder, her voice muffled in my hair.

"I'll be fine. I'll call you everyday I promise".

"No April you can't".

"I have to" I said squeezing her.

"No really, you don't have to do this; it's not the only way" she replied, lifting her head from my shoulder.

I pulled away from her "what do you mean?"

She wiped her eyes "I wasn't supposed to tell you".

I raised my eyebrows at her to signal for her to carry on.

"I didn't think I'd have to tell you but I guess it's the only way to stop you leaving".

I suppose she didn't think I'd actually leave, I often said things I didn't mean but I was sure I was leaving but the next thing she told me brought tears to my eyes and I instantly changed my mind.

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