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It was time to see how Rowan would play out. He had the charm, but could he be a playboy?

Yvonne had on a fitting  royal blue dress that were beaded with rhinestones under the bust line. The skirt stopped above her knees, which were perfectly lotioned up.

Her doorbell rang, making her jump. He is damn near twenty minutes early.

At least he's not late.

Yvonne walked to the door.

"Who is it?", she asked sweetly.

"Rowan.", he answered back.

Yvonne went ahead and opened up the door. Rowan stood there in a white Polo shirt, and dark jeans. Like a piece of Godiva chocolate, he was looking tasty.

"Well hello Rowan, you're early."

"I know and I apologize for not calling first, but there has been a change of plans.", he explains smoothly.

"A change of plans?", Yvonne asks.

"Yeah, I can't take you out tonight.", he says.

Yvonne folded her arms.

"Exactly what is the reason why you can't take me out?", Yvonne felt herself about to go off.

"I got a few things I gotta handle at the office."

"So your canceling our date for work?"

"Yeah, my boss called me in."

Yvonne was a little irritated. They had spoken on the phone earlier and she had built excitement for this date. Now he was canceling the date completely, thus wasting her time.

"So were you gonna make another date, or find some way to make thing up to me?", she asked.

"I don't feel I owe you anything. My work is more important than anything else, including your feelings."

"So you gone come to my fuckin house after we planed this shit, only for you to cancel on me and then tell me that my feeling are invalid."

"I mean what do you expect me to do? I just met you, I'm not gonna just jump through hoops to please you when your not guaranteed, but my work is."

"Have some motherfuckin respect is what you should do. You don't waste a woman's time. You didn't even fuckin apologize to me for wasting my time and the fact that you putting your ego over being a gentlemen is straight up bullshit."

"At least I came, y'all black females ain't never satisfied."

"Bitch that's why the fuck you single. You don't respect nothing unless it has a dick and a suit. It not even a race issue, you not ready for a woman."

"Its not respect that you mad at though, y-",

Yvonne cut him off, pounding a fist over hand.

"Yes it is motherfucka, yes it is!", she hollered.

"If you wasn't a female, I would've.", he stopped himself. However it was too late and Yvonne was about to explode.

"Who the fuck do you think you threatening nigga? You got the nerve to be at my door talking about laying hands on me?! Bitch! I will shut your motherfuckin shit the fuck down! Get the fuck out of my face nigga you not worth it."

"You wanna be treated like a woman than start acting like one. I'm not here for the ignorance baby. Ladies don't curse, and a hate to see one that does."

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