My Loyalty is Forever Entrusted To You

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She had everything she could ever want. All she had to do was ask and it would be given to her. Those were the perks of being one of the rarest gems on Homeworld.
She was a chrysoberyl, one of only three. Easily replaceable, which gave them their freedom. Though that did not take away any of their worth. She worked as an ambassador to the diamonds. She would collect information from her diamond and then transfer it to an other. Vice versa, too, if needed. Anywhere she went, gems saluted her, their heads bowed low. 'Wow, a chrysoberyl!' they would say. 'It's an honor,' others would mention, all with their hands bent into the shape of the diamonds.
A few gems at her side always accompanied her. They were there at Chrysoberyl's request and Yellow Diamond's insist.
"My Chrysoberyl," Yellow Diamond would say. "Ask, and it will be yours. An army of rubies, perhaps. A pearl of your own. A couple of peridots to do your bidding. I can provide you with nearly anything you can imagine. You are a rarity of three gems. Your worth comes not just from serving me directly. We have pearls for that!" She laughed, though it gave the room an unsteady feel. Chrysoberyl would look at Yellow Pearl, who was just a few feet away from her. The pearl cringed at Yellow Diamond's statement.
"Then from where else does my worth come from, my diamond?" Chrysoberyl asked.
"Rarity, loyalty, a good, hardworking chrysoberyl, my gem. Take my word for it, you can't find a gem like that from any old kindergarten!" she laughed again.
"Thank you, my diamond. My loyalty is forever entrusted to you," Chrysoberyl said. But not even a gem as loyal as she could keep a promise like that for eternity.
The first gem given to Chrysoberyl was a black star sapphire. A gem almost as rare as Chrysoberyl herself. But Yellow Diamond had been happy to award her with one, saying that a sapphire of high worth was a sapphire of extreme value and efficiency, perfect for her chrysoberyl. She also said that a sapphire, even an extremely rare black star, was perfect, because only the rarest gems were to be of the best quality for gems such as herself and Chrysoberyl.
When Chrysoberyl had received her, Black Star Sapphire was a quiet, cold, and reclusive gem. But Chrysoberyl, being the adventurous and friendly gem that she was, soon changed her sapphire to a gem like her. Soon enough, Black Star Sapphire was outgoing and optimistic regarding the possibilities of the future. She happily obeyed any orders from Chrysoberyl and sought to help her out whenever she could.
The second gem of service to Chrysoberyl was a spinel, agile warriors as common as rubies and quartzes. Yellow Diamond showed her to a group of about three dozen spinels, ranging in a rainbow of colors. "I'm sure this one is the most suitable," Yellow diamond said, pointing to the rarest in the group of common gems. "These may be common soldiers, but this one is a rarity among them. The finest any could want." The piercing red spinel's nose was up in the air. She was grinning proudly as the other spinels 'oohed' and 'ahhed' over her splendor.
"How about... that one?" Chrysoberyl pointed to a spinel in the group. Over half the spinels were purple, some a paler lavender color, the least rare out of the gems. Her finger was pointed at the palest of them all. She was hidden behind the other spinels, not even trying to make her way to the front. Nobody as important as a chrysoberyl would ever choose her as her servant.
"No, no. That one is far too common for the likes of you and I. I insist you choose this one," Yellow Diamond responded.
"Just because she's common shouldn't determine her worth. Please, my diamond."
Yellow Diamond bit back a retort, then sighed. "Fine. Do what you want."
About a thousand years later, a group of members called the Crystal Gems led by a rose quartz set up a rebellion against Homeworld. Chrysoberyl was intrigued by this group of individuals. They said that they were fighting to protect the earth. She had laughed at what they said they would do. "Haha! Please, they can't get anywhere with this! The diamonds will crush them!"
"I wouldn't be so sure," Black Star Sapphire responded.
"Wait. Do you mean...?"
"Yes, they could quite possible succeed in a few ways with what they do."
"Should we inform Yellow Diamond?"
"It is not in my hands to decide, though I believe we should wait and see how this plays out. I can only see the possible outcomes of the future, after all. Nothing is certain."
Not long after that, Chrysoberyl and her gems were sent with blue diamond and her court to go to the skies above the earth. She was to come back and inform Yellow Diamond of all that had happened. At that time, there were three other Chrysoberyls. Blue Chrysoberyl was accompanying her diamond, and Pink and White were gathering information for their own diamonds, though Chrysoberyl usually didn't cross paths with them.
It was at that time the rebels came. Rose Quartz and a pearl. Spinel stepped in front of Chrysoberyl, even though they weren't that close to the rebels at the time. "Don't worry, I'll protect you!"
"No, I want to see!" Chrysoberyl pushed Spinel aside, stepping closer to the battle. The closer she got, the more energized she felt. She could hear Black Star Sapphire and Spinel screaming for her to come back, but she wouldn't listen. This was the most excitement she'd witnessed in a thousand years! And when she got even closer, her gem began to glow. Her gem was placed on her right shoulder. The longer it glowed, the more curious she was. What was it hiding? She put her left hand up to her gem. Not long after, she had pulled a weapon from her gem. A weapon of her own. A sling. Sparkling pebbles formed in the pouch of the sling. Suddenly, a scream came from behind her.
"Chrysoberyl! Look out!"
And then another. "Spinel, wait!"
Then she saw them in front of her. The Crystal Gems themselves. Chrysoberyl's eyes went wide, not with fear, but with wonder. She didn't do so much as flinch when the pearl stabbed her swords at Chrysoberyl. But Pearl wasn't quick enough. In front of Chrysoberyl jumped Spinel with a shout. "Don't!" Spinel's weapon was raised; a javelin. But she was too late. Pearl's swords pierced through her form and she was gone in a poof, leaving behind only her gemstone.
Chrysoberyl's eyes grew wider in worry for her friend. Suddenly, Chrysoberyl's sling vanished. Pearl raised her weapons once more, ready to strike Chrysoberyl, but Black Star Sapphire ran, yelling, "Wait! She's not what you've come for! Trust me!" Sapphire looked up with a pleading eye at Rose Quartz and Pearl. Pearl didn't lower her swords. Not until Rose mouthed something similar to, 'No. Future vision. She could be of help.' They then fled to attack others.
That was until the fusion of a sapphire and a ruby. It was unheard of! Two different types of gems fusing? All the shouts around Chrysoberyl were angry, but she was intrigued. What did fusion feel like? Could she do it? What was going to happen to the fusion? It turned out that the fusion had fled to earth, and rumor had it that she had become a Crystal Gem, too. And of course Yellow Diamond had to hear about all that had happened. Chrysoberyl delivered her report. Not long after, Spinel reformed, good as new.
Chrysoberyl had asked Black Star Sapphire about the future she had hinted about to the rebellion, but Sapphire said that Chrysoberyl should wait to see what her future would hold.
Throughout her next few thousand years, Chrysoberyl had acquired many gems to accompany her when her diamond asked her to travel with information to the other diamonds. About a dozen had joined her merry crew of gems. A majestic citrine soldier, a couple of large topazes, a clever peridot, a dainty, red pearl, and a few others as well. Though she loved each one of them, the two most important to her were still Black Star Sapphire and Spinel. If she could've spent the rest of her life with them, she would've been happy.
But the future doesn't always go as planned...

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