I Came To Earth To Protect

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     "It's the corrupted gem we were looking for!" Pearl exclaimed. "It was here all along?"
     "We can't let it get anywhere else," Garnet said. "It could seriously injure the humans, being this close to Beach City."
     "Then what are we waiting for?" asked Amethyst. "Let's get our game on!"
     "Speaking of," began Steven, "you can show us some of your moves, Merlinite and Chrysoberyl!"
     "Our moves?" the two echoed in unison.
     "Oh, yes!" Pearl clasped her friends. "We can finally see those weapons of yours in action."
     "Focus, Crystal Gems!" warned Garnet, gesturing to the monster on the beach.
     "Of course," Pearl said in agreement.
     "Let's go! Hurry!" shouted Amethyst. Steven nodded as the Crystal Gems, including Merlinite and Chrysoberyl, ran out of the temple and onto the beach, where the corrupted gem was causing havoc. Chrysoberyl and Merlinite stopped in their tracks, stunned at what they saw.
     "W-what is that?" stuttered Chrysoberyl, shaking. "Is that supposed to be... a gem?" The monster roared, standing up on its hind legs, intimidating the Homeworld gems.
     "A corrupted one," said Steven. "After the war, the diamonds sang a song that corrupted the remaining gems on earth. Well, excluding Garnet, Pearl, even Amethyst, who was still at the kindergarten, oh, and my mom, of course," Steven explained, pulling up his shirt, revealing his rose quartz gem. It gave off a glow as his familiar pink shield appeared in front of him. He looked to them, Chrysoberyl especially, to see what their reactions would be. Chrysoberyl had been Yellow Diamond's right hand gem, after all. Did she know about the corruption song? Had she somehow been there when it happened and in some way wasn't corrupted.
Chrysoberyl and Merlinite stared at the unnatural monster as well. This is a nightmare. How could a gem turn into that? I... had no idea... that this is what their song caused..." Chrysoberyl whispered.
     "We have to fight it?" asked Merlinite uneasily. "If that's really a gem..."
"It's okay," Steven said. "She doesn't know what she's doing. She'll be happier and safer when we bubble her. And then... maybe one day I can find a way to heal her." Steven smiled sadly.
In remembrance, Chrysoberyl touched her own healed gem. "Let's do it," she agreed. Her gem glowed as she summoned her sling. Merlinite drew out her staff. Under her breath, Chrysoberyl reminded herself, "I came to earth to protect."
She held the sling in her hand, though it felt small. Could it actually do any real damage? There was only one way to find out. The sling rested easily in her hand. She was surprised that she had never used it before. It was her perfect weapon. It was part of her, made for her. This was the moment that she was going to accept it, to really make it her own. A stone rested in the pit of the sling. Swinging into action, she threw her arm back and flipped the sling forward, propelling the stone to the target. Her arm fell to her side as she watched the glinting stone hurtle towards the corrupted gem. As soon as the stone hit the beast, the stone poofed into a sparkling cloud of white light, about a couple feet in diameter.
Surprised and in pain, the monster turned and tried to face all of the gems at once, roaring in fury. But, surrounded, it could do nothing as it was finally faced by Garnet. Her gaze held no emotion, though her hands held gauntlets. Throwing her fists forward, her gauntlets made contact with the beast, it cried out and was gone in a poof as it's gem fell to the sandy ground of the beach. Steven cheered for Garnet. Its gem, which had rested on the ground, Garnet bubbled and sent off with a tap to the top.
"Where did the gem go?" asked Chrysoberyl.
"It's in the temple now," said Garnet.
"Yes, that's where all of the bubbled gems go," Pearl explained. "It's a lot safer for everyone that way. Bubbled, the corrupted gems can't reform."
"Is every gem able to do that? Bubble?" Merlinite asked.
"Oh no," replied Pearl matter-of-factly. "Only Crystal Gems can."
     "Are you guys going to become Crystal Gems along with us someday?" Steven asked Merlinite and Chrysoberyl, a big smile on his face. His shield shimmered away, as did all of their weapons.
     They didn't answer, lost in thought. "You know, I believe you both are pretty close to it," said Garnet. "A Crystal Gem renounces their loyalty to Homeworld, then gives their life to protecting the earth."
     "You don't have to decide right away," said Pearl, rushed. "I mean, this is a huge decision. But speaking from personal experiences, it was the best decision I've ever made. I think everyone else here would agree with me, too."
     "And you can stay with us until then," Amethyst told them. "We have food, too!" she exclaimed in a persuasive, sing-song voice.
"What is this food you speak of?" asked Chrysoberyl, curious.
"Oh, boy! You haven't lived until you've tried it!" said Amethyst, taking Chrysoberyl by the hand and leading her back to the house.
"Amethyst, come back here!" Pearl shouted.
"It's okay, Pearl!" Chrysoberyl called back. "I don't mind!"
"Wait for me!" called Merlinite, tailing behind.
"I'm coming, too!" exclaimed Steven. "Just please don't touch my limited edition barbecue flavored chaaaaps!"
     The gems entered the house and Steven and Amethyst rushed to the fridge. Amethyst got there first and she tugged the door open, displaying the contents inside. "Ta-da!"
     "I'm still confused," Merlinite stated bluntly.
     "Like so," explained Amethyst as she pulled out a slice of bread. Taking a bite, her mouth full, she said, "See? Easy."
     "What is the point?" Chrysoberyl asked.
     "Well, gems don't really need to eat, but they can. Humans need food for energy, but you can just get your energy from your gems," Steven explained.
     "I still have fun doing it!" Amethyst exclaimed.
     "Speak for yourself," said Pearl as she and Garnet came through the door, followed by Lapis Lazuli and Peridot.
"Eating food is simply disgusting! Why on earth would you want to eat mush, have it pass through your body, and then have it come out of you? It's horrid to think about."
"It's not that bad," said Garnet, smiling at the Homeworld gems. "Pearl just over exaggerates sometimes."
"I want some food!" declared Chrysoberyl.
"Same here," agreed Merlinite, nodding.
     "Here," Steven handed them both a can of root beer. "Start out with this." He demonstrated by opening a can of his own and taking a gulp.
     Merlinite struggled with opening hers. Her quartz-sized fingers couldn't get under the tab. Sighing, she handed the can to Chrysoberyl who got the message and opened the can with her more nimble fingers. She then handed the can back to Merlinite. Merlinite timidly took a sip from the can and swallowed. She thought for a second, and then her face lit up. She then drained the can in one big gulp. "That was amazing! Why don't they have these back on Homeworld?!"
     Chrysoberyl eyed her root beer warily, then took a sip herself. Her eyes widened and her nose wrinkled as she immediately spit the drink out. Coughing, she exclaimed, "How could anyone indulge in drinking this?! It irritates my language sponge!"
     "I think you mean your sense sponge, Chrysoberyl," Peridot corrected.
     "No!" Amethyst managed to say as she was rolling on the ground with laughter. "That's your tongue!"
     Merlinite was laughing, too. "It's not funny, Merlinite!" Chrysoberyl exclaimed.
     "Yes- yes it is!" Merlinite laughed harder. As soon as she contained herself, she asked Steven, "Hey, got any more of these?" She pointed to her empty can of root beer.
     "Sorry, Chrysoberyl. Maybe root beer's just not your thing. Here, have you ever drank water before? I think you'll like it better." Steven handed her a glass of water.
     Chrysoberyl took an ever slower sip, but soon began to drink faster until she had emptied the cup. "I like this," she told Steven. "It's nice and refreshing. Unlike that junk Merlinite keeps drinking."
     "Well, if this is junk," began Merlinite, "it's the best junk I've ever drank."
     "And now, the grand finale," presented Amethyst as she pulled a leftover box of pizza from the fridge. Throwing the box into the microwave, she set the timer for thirty seconds.
"What are you doing?" Merlinite asked.
"I'm heating the pizza up. Don't worry, it'll be done any moment now," replied Amethyst. A few seconds later, the timer went off with a loud beep. Amethyst opened the microwave and brought out the pizza, steaming hot. She threw the box, the open, in front of the new gems. "Eat up!"
     Chrysoberyl took the first slice and took a brave, large bite. As soon as she swallowed, her eyes shone. "This- this is worthy of the diamonds!" Realizing what she had said, she soon corrected herself. "Sorry, I didn't really mean that. What I mean to say is that this is amazing! Why haven't we heard of humans before? You're geniuses!"
     Merlinite nodded in agreement, her mouth stuffed full of pizza.
     "You guys really do fit in with us!" Steven exclaimed happily.
     Merlinite smiled. "Sure do! Earth is great! Forget Homeworld!"
     Chrysoberyl grinned sheepishly and nodded, but turned her head so that no one could see the anxious and sorrowful expression on her face.

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