Shift The Universe

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"Do you have even the slightest clue how we are supposed to do that?" Chrysoberyl said skeptically, trying to contain her excitement.
Howlite gave her a look and said, "You underestimate me, Chrysoberyl. I don't need a peridot to handle technology for me. I can take care of that myself with no trouble.
"I've already disabled the tracker from the ship, so we cannot he seen on any gem technology at the moment. I can look up Merlinite's exact position, schedule, and possessions in the database, so we can find out when, where, and how to contact her."
"Impressive," Chrysoberyl nodded with acknowledgement. "Her name is Merlinite Facet 3 Cut 6XC. Can you work with that?"
     "There's nothing else I need to hear," Howlite smiled, then got to work.
Meanwhile, Chrysoberyl fretted. She worried that Merlinite had changed her mind about being a Crystal Gem. She worried that Merlinite would be too busy for them, or worse yet, be found out and shattered for being a rebel.
     "How fortunate!" Howlite exclaims out of the blue. "Merlinite Facet 3 Cut 6XC is nearing the half of her private study and planning time slot. If she is on schedule, she should be alone in her private quarters. With her high ranking position of Major, she has her own holo. I can hack into the system discreetly and call her immediately. Should take about no time at all."
     Chrysoberyl caught her breath. "Are you serious?" It sounded too perfect, too easy. And yet, after so long, she would be able to talk to one of the only people she could trust, the only gem on Homeworld that still cared about her? "What if it doesn't work? What if she gets caught? What if she doesn't care anymore? What if she's killed because of me?" Chrysoberyl voiced her worries frantically with a tight, shrill voice.
     "But what if she isn't?" Howlite replied with a small smile. "Things to think about, Chrysoberyl." Then she began typing away.
     In ten seconds flat, Howlite soon said, "Okay, I'm ready, Chrysoberyl. Are you?"
     Chrysoberyl swallowed down her fear and bit her lip, replying, "Yes, I am."
     With the swift press of a button on Howlite's part, the screen was blank for a few moments, then it lit up, producing a large-screen image of Merlinite, her eyes closed and her arms crossed in a salute. "Merlinite Facet 3 Cut 6XC, reporting for duty!"
     "Merlinite!" Chrysoberyl gasped and shouted, unable to contain her relief and excitement.
     At the sound of the familiar voice, Merlinite started, her eyes flying open in shocked surprise. Her solute faltered and her face broke into an amazed smile. "No way... Oh my stars, it's you!"
     "Are you alright?" Chrysoberyl's words came tumbling out of her.
     "Me? I should be asking that about you!" she exclaimed, running her fingers through her short, curly hair.
     "I'm so relieved!" Chrysoberyl cried out, fighting back tears. Her fears were all for naught. Her friend was alive and well, and still a Crystal Gem through and through, waiting for Chrysoberyl's return. "It's been so long!"
     Merlinite laughed. "You think? It's only been an earth year- you've been alive for thousands of those!"
     Chrysoberyl shook her head. "None of them have been as long and painful and worrisome as this one."
     "Where are you?" Merlinite asked, looking around Chrysoberyl and Howlite at their ship in the back. "And how did you do that thing calling me? I thought I was being called by the general of Regiment 4!"
"Allow me to formally introduce myself," said Howlite as she stepped forward. "I am Howlite," she grinned toward Chrysoberyl as she left out her full, formal title. "I've heard much about you from Chrysoberyl, and it is truly a pleasure to finally meet yet another Crystal Gem. I hacked into your holo to make the call."
"Impressive," Merlinite marveled, nodding. Then she sighed, her face twisted with concern. "I heard a report broadcasted from a tiger's eye a little while ago that you are still alive and plotting rebellion. They're on a mass hunt for you. I thought- I thought you were as good as dead..."
     "We're fine, Merlinite," Chrysoberyl said softly with a small smile.
     Merlinite's concern turned into a deeper frown. "No, we're not! Basically every gem in the universe knows you're alive! They'll want you dead- they'll never stop searching, Chrysoberyl! Not until you're shattered! And you as well now, Howlite! Chrysoberyl, did you ever mention my name to that actress? Anything about a merlinite at all?"
"I did not," Chrysoberyl replied quietly, relieved that it never crossed her mind to tell that supposed chrysoberyl about Merlinite. "But don't you see, Merlinite? You are still safe. We may be on the run, but we have you still! And if my name is out there for every existing gem to be on the lookout for, so be it!
"Because not only will there be the ones who oppose us. There will be ones who turn toward us, inspired by us! This is the new era of a new generation of Crystal Gems. We will only grow stronger from this point. And I will never give in- not until I am shattered, or the diamonds change our unjust society! Do you know why, Merlinite? Because we are the Crystal Gems! I am still alive, and so are you! I will shout, and I will fight until every last pearl is free from bondage, until every ruby can choose who she fights for, until every diamond can recognize the unfairness we are all subject to!
"I may be running now, but not for long. Soon, we will have ranks of gems alongside us. Not only did that tiger's eye promote our names, but she promoted our cause as well! Unknowingly, she has made our purpose all the more known. And that's how we will gain our numbers. Merlinite, your life will be on the line, but will you continue to fight with me? If you can do even that, we could change our entire world. We'll look back and tell future eras, 'Look, we made this happen- no matter how few, or how many you may be, you can shift the universe.'"
     That made Merlinite beam, just like the way she did when she and Chrysoberyl had been on earth. "Then let's shift it together."

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