We'll Do It Together

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Chrysoberyl stared in misery at the red pearl laying on the ground in front of her. "Are you okay?!" Merlinite exclaimed, her javelin vanishing.
"I'm fine," Chrysoberyl sighed. She couldn't get through to her... She picked up the gem, and bubbled it. A jasmine-colored bubble formed around the gem. Tapping the top, she sent away.
     Two seconds later, the bubble appeared in Merlinite's hands. "What?" Chrysoberyl exclaimed.
     "I have the other one, too," Merlinite replied, revealing another bubble hiding behind her back.
     "How? The Crystal Gems said that the bubbles went... home."
     Merlinite smiled. "Then I guess that means your home's with me. I've been trying to tell you, I don't want you to go to Homeworld alone- if that's what we need to do, then we'll do it together. And we'll do great." She tapped the top of one of her bubbles. In a second, it appeared in Chrysoberyl's hands.
     "I see." The smile in Chrysoberyl's voice was evident. "Thank you!" She put the bubble aside and hugged Merlinite. Merlinite's eyes widened in surprise, but she hugged her back. Chrysoberyl looked up and said, "You really want to come? You- you know that we could be shattered!"
     Merlinite pulled out of the hug. "I know. But I think that's a good risk to take, don't you?"
     "Of course I do! I just didn't want you going into this without knowing how dangerous it really is going to be."
"Don't worry about me. By the way, how are we getting to Homeworld?" asked Merlinite.
"Well, I think the ship that Peridot brought down will work perfectly," Chrysoberyl replied.
"Are you both alright?!" A sudden shout came from overhead. Pearl looked down, worried, Garnet, Steven, Lapis, and Peridot behind her.
     "We're fine!" Chrysoberyl called back as the Crystal Gems rushed down the hill.
     "Thank goodness," said Pearl, Amethyst's gemstone, then healed, in her hand.
"Is she going to be okay?" Chrysoberyl motioned to Amethyst's gem.
"She'll be fine, thanks to Steven," Pearl responded, hugging Steven close to her with a smile.
     "Guess what?" Garnet said. "Peridot found a way to quickly reprogram the ship, sending a message that the mission had been successful, that the ship had left earth, then simultaneously exploded. So no one will know this ever happened. They'll think there was some accident with the ship, and they won't care anymore. And we get a free ship, too."
     "So that means..." Merlinite began.
     "We can get to Homeworld!" Chrysoberyl exclaimed, overjoyed.
     "WHAT?!" everyone but Garnet, Chrysoberyl, and Merlinite shouted.
So the three walked the others through their mission on Homeworld. "It's not that we don't love the earth, and your mission here," Chrysoberyl concluded, "but we feel that it's just as important to convert other Homeworld gems against the tyrannical class system."
"If that's the case," brought up Pearl, "you need to find Howlite."
"Who's she?" everyone else but Garnet asked.
"Howlite is one of the highest gems in White Diamond's court. She and some other gems are secretly part of the rebellion, but they didn't feel the same way about the earth as the rest of us did. So they didn't fight. They didn't even defy their diamonds. But they were rebelling in silent, planning. Planning to do what you are about to do. I don't even know if they exist anymore, but if any of them do, it's Howlite."
"How do we find her? What does she look like?" Merlinite asked.
"As I said, she's in White Diamond's court. If you find some way to communicate to her why you need to speak with her, I'm sure she will. You just need to make sure the other court gems don't know what you're really discussing. Her gem is located on her right hip. She'll be the nicest dressed howlite if there are others. A diamond shape is cut out around her gem. She has a thick headdress from ear to ear around the back of her head. Her hair is curly and just below her shoulders. With this description, I'm sure she'll be easy to spot. I believe her name is Howlite Facet 1 Cut 1XA. Got it?"
     Chrysoberyl and Merlinite nodded. "So... you guys are leaving? Forever?" Steven looked at them with his eyes wide.
"Don't worry, Steven. I'm sure our paths will cross again someday." Chrysoberyl smiled. He hugged her tightly, and then did the same for Merlinite.
"Tell Howlite I said hi," Steven said.
"I'll make sure of it," Merlinite said, ruffling Steven's hair.
"Okay, Peridot. Can you show us how to work that ship?" Chrysoberyl asked the small green gem.
"Will do!" Peridot stood and began to make her way toward the ship, becoming for the gems to follow her.
     "Thank you, all of you," Chrysoberyl said as they walked. She held Steven's hand and said to him, "Thank you for healing me. And thank you for your kindness. I'll miss you." She gave his hand a squeeze.
      Steven replied, giving her a hug, "I'll miss you, too."

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