Homeworld Won't Lay A Hand On Us

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     Sienna and Chrysoberyl boarded their ship on a course back to Homeworld, to Howlite. A quick thought passed through Chrysoberyl's mind as they were on their way. She asked her companion, "We'll be making our way through public areas often. I've stolen the identity of a sapphire, but what about you? We can't have you walking around in the open as a chrysoberyl."
     "Don't worry!" exclaimed Sienna at once. "I spent a lot of time in the kindergarten, so I started practicing shapeshifting! Wanna see?" Sienna morphed her shape in a flash of light. Standing there, she had changed into the form of a Tiger's Eye. "How's this?"
     "That's perfect!" Chrysoberyl exclaimed. Something strange dawned on her a few moments later. "Wait a second... how do you know what a Tiger's Eye looks like? You wouldn't have seen one in the kindergarten. They're actresses, not watchers or drafters, or anything of that sort."
     "One accompanied the other gems who came to choose Yellow Diamond's chrysoberyl. I suppose she was observing chrysoberyls up close, perhaps learning how to portray one back at an entertainment facility."
     "That makes sense," Chrysoberyl noted. "You can change back now if you want. You do seem to be holding up that form well, though. I'm impressed."
     "I think I'll try holding the form a little longer," Sienna said, a bit of her strain starting to show in her expression. "I'll need some more practice for when I have to hold this form for real."
"Good plan," Chrysoberyl replied, her focus back on the ship's control panel. Sienna spent the remainder of the trip changing forms, practicing her shapeshifting.
Finally, the ship was able to dock at the public landing on Homeworld. "Sienna," Chrysoberyl turned toward her new friend, "I'm going to shapeshifting into a sapphire, so would you be my accompanying pearl? It will only be for a few minutes, then we will arrive at Howlite's. It would be weird for a tiger's eye to show up with a sapphire, you know? Also, make sure that your outfit hides your true gemstone."
"Yes, that's fine!" Sienna exclaimed changing her form from a tiger's eye into a chocolate-colored pearl.
The two walked to the vast cubicle of Howlite, Chrysoberyl in front, Sienna behind her. The same amethyst and ruby that had escorted her to the door earlier did so again. And, yet again, Howlite's gray pearl opened the door.
"Welcome back, your clarity," the pearl said daintily, bowing to Chrysoberyl in her shapeshifter form. "My howlite is expecting you. Please, right this way. Your pearl may wait here for you." Sienna looked immediately to Chrysoberyl.
"I have requested that my pearl accompany. I see the outcome of the future that Howlite will accept. If you would escort us to the sector?"
"Of course. My deepest apologies for my misunderstanding, your clarity." The pearl then led them to Howlite's sector and opened the door, waiting by the side as they entered the room.
"That will be all. Thank you, pearl," Chrysoberyl told the pearl. The pearl, gone wide-eyed, began to blush at the word of thanks, but quickly left as she was told.
Chrysoberyl and Sienna reverted to their true forms and joined the seated Howlite at the exquisite table in the middle of the vast palace-like, pristine room. Howlite immediately stood as she noticed their presences.
"You were successful!" she noted at Chrysoberyl. "Welcome back! I'm glad you're here safe, and that you found this chrysoberyl."
"Are you really a Crystal Gem?" Sienna asked, wonder shining in her eyes.
"I am, though let's keep that information closed. I'm sure you know that full well, though. What's your name?"
"Chrysoberyl-BD Cut-024," Sienna answered with a smile.
"It's very nice to make your acquaintance," Howlite replied, nodding her head in acknowledgement, though Chrysoberyl noticed her previously steady smile waver ever so slightly. "Oh my stars, I'm sorry, I forgot something," she apologized suddenly, and directly to Sienna. "That sapphire that Chrysoberyl stole the identity of had some forms of information I really need to examine. She has them with her now, I presume, as long as our plans are correct. I must vouch that only two gems, I and herself, or, per sé, 'sapphire', have seen them. Would you mind accompanying my amethyst, ruby, and pearl outside? You'll only have to shapeshift for a few minutes."
"That's fine," Sienna simply answered, reverting her form back to a pearl. She then swiftly left the room.
As soon as she left the room, Howlite ran to a microphone/sound panel on the wall.
"Howlite, I don't have any-"
"Quiet, Chrysoberyl!" Howlite cut her off frantically. Pressing the button, she exclaimed, "Ruby, Amethyst! Seize and poof that pearl immediately! She's posing her identity! Sapphire noticed she's not her true pearl."
"What are you doing?!" Chrysoberyl shrieked, horrified.
"Hush!" Howlite yelled at her, listening intently to the sound system. "Amethyst? Amethyst! Is the deed done? Ruby! Answer me!" No answer came through. Hurriedly, she adjusted the settings of the systems to talk to another gem. "Topaz! There is a posing gem run away! I believe she's eliminated the remainder of my guards! Destroy her! Do you copy?" No reply was heard. "Oh, no. No, no, no..." Howlite sunk to the ground, her head in her hands.
"Howlite! What are you doing?" Chrysoberyl exclaimed, shock running across her face.
"That gem is not Chrysoberyl-BD Cut-024. I've read through records, records and proof of every shattered chrysoberyl. Chrysoberyl-BD Cut-024 is dead, along with the rest of them! That gem must be a tiger's eye! That's why we couldn't notice her strain in shape shifting, why we couldn't see through her lies. She's an actress! She was only playing, hanging out in a kindergarten! We've been deceived! She'll tell the authorities what I really am, that you're still alive! We need to get out of here, they'll come and kill us soon enough!" Howlite screamed, dread lining every inch of her face. She started to shake, tears filling her eyes. "I don't know what to do, Chrysoberyl," she cried. "I'm so scared."
Chrysoberyl shoved her utter shock and feeling of betrayal away; she could give out her feelings for those later. "If you just get us out of here, everything's going to be okay. I swear it on my life. Homeworld won't lay a hand on us yet. Go on, lead the way. We're going to need your fastest, most advanced ship."
Howlite nodded, drying her eyes quickly. "Let's do it."

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