Worth the Universe

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     Chrysoberyl huddled herself against the edge of the temple, once she had found her way back. Night had fallen, and the moon was full. Chrysoberyl believed there was a diamond base there, but she couldn't quite remember. But it didn't matter. Not anymore.
     But there was something else that did. She knew that she had hurt the gem she was closest to without even letting her give an answer. Merlinite deserved a chance. And Chrysoberyl knew why she hadn't given her one.
     She was still scared that Merlinite would leave as soon as there was the chance that she could get hurt, because that's exactly what her sapphire and spinel did. Would her other gems have done the same as well?
Sadly, she knew the answer. Of course they would have. There's no way they had enough love in their hearts to outmatch their fear and loyalty. And why should they turn if they'd never seen the earth? They would be fighting for nothing. At least, not yet.
     She had to go. She didn't belong on the earth. She wasn't meant to fight. She was made to serve; and serve she would, though not in the way intended. She meant what she had told Merlinite. She was going to turn those gems against Homeworld, or die trying.
     It wasn't right for her to stay on earth. Those gems knew nothing of the earth, they believed they were living in a utopia. But they weren't. They were stuck in a judgmental class system full of shame and persecuting. Just because a gem was a pearl didn't mean she had to be treated as trash her whole life. Just because she was a chrysoberyl didn't mean she had to treated as high and worthy. The gems themselves should be able to determine their places by their actions, not by the types or lusters of their gemstones.
     Chrysoberyl had believed this ever since she chose Spinel. She had chosen. her to prove to Yellow Diamond that worth did not come from what you looked like, what type of luster your gem had, or what pride you had. She remembered the day when she had tried to explain this to her gems.

~7,000 years ago

     Chrysoberyl paced her room as the wide doors at the front opened. At the door stood all of her gems- about a dozen of them. She saw her black star sapphire, her spinel, her red pearl, her citrine, her topazes, and about six more standing behind them. As soon as she made eye contact with them, their eyes went wide as they bowed before her, their heads each touching the ground.
     Stunned, Chrysoberyl shook her head fervently. "No, no, no! What are you doing?" All of the gems but her pearl looked up at her, confused. "Don't do that for me! I'm worth no more than you!"
     Nervous, the gems didn't rise from their knees. They looked at each other wondering whether they really could stand. Her red pearl's head was still to the floor. Chrysoberyl took pity. Why did a pearl have to be worthless compared to the other gems? She should truly be worth so much more. "My pearl?" Chrysoberyl asked. The dainty Pearl raised her head, awaiting her commands. "You don't need to bow to me. I just told you. I'm worth no more than you. Don't let me ever treat you less, just because you're a pearl. Here, come stand next to me. Yes, it's alright. What's so special about a chrysoberyl, that I would treat any of you less than what you're really worth? Lift up your head. You have the right to stand next to me, to speak your mind. You are not worthless- you are worth the universe."


     "That's it," whispered Chrysoberyl. "Worth the universe... how could I have treated Merlinite less than that?" She sighed in guilt. "Oh, she must hate me now!"
The picture of Merlinite's face before Chrysoberyl had run off flooded her mind. Merlinite could've responded with anger- as Chrysoberyl had... but she hadn't. She had kept a calm composure. Though in shock, would she have responded the same way to a gem of lower class than her? If it had been a pearl, or a ruby, maybe even an amethyst... or was Merlinite really a kind, respectful, loyal, understanding gem?
Not even a diamond could measure up to that. Respect was the last thing that Yellow Diamond was. White Diamond came nowhere close to kind. Blue Diamond was the farthest from loyal to her gems. And Pink... Pink Diamond couldn't understand why the Crystal Gems wanted to protect all the life on earth.
Merlinite deserved more from Chrysoberyl than even Yellow Diamond did. Chrysoberyl couldn't go to Homeworld alone. She needed Merlinite. She had to face the Crystal Gems again. She had to face Merlinite again. She had to ask Merlinite to join her in risking their lives.
     And somehow, somehow, she knew that Merlinite's answer was going to be yes.

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