Flying Without Wings

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Firestar and Arcee laughed as they played on the swings, Jazz and Bee acting as the judges for who could swing the highest. So far, Firestar was winning, though Arcee was catching up fast.

"Pump harder, Star, she's almost on top of you!" Bee encouraged. Firestar laughed and pumped as hard as she could, working to maintain her lead. Meanwhile, Jazz was on Arcee's team.

"Come on, 'Cee; faster, faster! You can do it!" Arcee laughed as she did as instructed, quickly gaining height on Star.

"She's almost even with you!" Bee warned, prompting Firestar to pump faster, pulling ahead again. Arcee continued to pump as hard and as fast as she could, but was starting to get tired of all the pumping.

"Faster 'Cee!" Jazz urged.

"I can't!" She gasped, stopping her efforts completely and starting to slow. "I'm too tired!"

"You win!" Bee cheered, causing Firestar to laugh.

"Aright!" She fist pumped and then said with a smirk. "Am I clear for landing?"

Bee frowned. "What?"

"I'm gonna jump off!" She laughed. "Is there anything or anyone I might hit?"

"Um, not after Jazz moves," Bee said, uncertain if this was really a good idea.

"Well then have him move and tell me when!" Firestar looked so excited, Bee sighed and pulled Jazz off to the side.

"Alright, you're clear."

"!!!" She shouted as she launched off the swing, flying past the two amazed boys, and landing lightly on her feet nearly fifteen feet away.

"Whoa! How did you do that?!" Jazz laughed, as he, Arcee, and Bumblebee ran over to her.

"Are you okay?" Arcee asked as she came up beside her. Firestar grinned and nodded.

"Yes, I'm fine," She assured them, taking a step forward and knocking into Jazz. "Oops, sorry I didn't know you were standing there."

"Nah it's cool," Jazz smirked, blushing ever so slightly, and hiding it by taking the cane from Bumblebee and handing it to her. "How did you land to lightly though? Does the ground have a color?"

Firestar laughed and took her cane. "No, but I could tell when I was passed the arch of my jump, so that helped me gage the distance to the ground. Also, it's not like that's the first time I've done that either."

Bumblebee's phone buzzed in his pocket and he took it out to read the text.

"What was that?" Firestar cocked her head, not sure what she heard.

"Dad just texted me; he says it's time to come home for lunch," Bee explained, putting his phone back in his pocket and taking her hand. Firestar smiled and nodded as they started the walk back home.

"We should probably go back, too," Jazz said, following them along with Arcee.

"Do you know what we're having?" Firestar asked, silently counting the steps home from the park and swinging her cane back and forth in front of herself as they walked.

"Dad was making sandwiches just before you came," Bee shrugged. "But I'm not sure what kind."

"Oh that's okay, I'm not too picky," Firestar shrugged as they stopped to cross the street. "Are there cars coming? I don't think I hear any."

"There's one a couple blocks away that'll pass us in a few-" he laughed quietly as it passed them. "yeah, we're clear now." Still holding her hand, Bumblebee guided her across the street, and back to the safety of the sidewalk. Jazz and Arcee crossed after waiting for another car to pass, quickly catching up to their friends.

"Mommy and Dad were making noodles when you arrived," Arcee said as she took Firestar's other hand, walking beside her.

"They're probably eating them without us," Jazz smirked, walking behind the others. "You know how Mom is."

Arcee laughed. "You're probably right, but I hope not; I like noodles."

"Me too," Firestar grinned as they arrived on their street and stopped in front of her and Bee's house. "We should play more later."

"Oh don't worry," Jazz smirked, putting an arm up on her shoulder. "We rarely stop, except for school, sleep and food, of course." Bee laughed as he led Star to the front steps.

"See you guys later!" He called, waving back at them before opening the door and entering the house.

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