Friendly Competition

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>>after school>>

Firestar sat alone on her bed, listening to music on her MP3 player. She'd memorized the order of the tracks, as well as made a list in Braille in case she ever got confused. Bumblebee was downstairs doing... something; Star just wanted to be alone for a little while, but Bee had made her promise to come out at 3:00, and even set her an alarm, to make sure she didn't just hole up all afternoon.

Firestar sighed quietly as she skipped through a few songs. Part of her just wanted to listen to sad music, because she was sad, but she knew that that wouldn't help her feel any better. Firestar briefly consulted her list and found an entry she didn't remember putting down.

"'Safe and Sound'?" she read off the page. "'Love, Bee'..." Curious, she hit the skip button 5 times.

I remember tears streaming down your face
When I said, "I'll never let you go"
When all those shadows almost killed your light
I remember you said, "Don't leave me here alone"
But all that's dead and gone and passed tonight

Just close your eyes
The sun is going down
You'll be alright
No one can hurt you now
Come morning light
You and I'll be safe and sound

Firestar blinked back the tears that suddenly stung her eyes as she listened to the song her foster brother had gone through the trouble to put on her MP3 player, just for her. As the song continued, she could almost feel a physical weight being lifted off her shoulders as she was reminded that she wasn't alone in this whole mess. The song had barely ended when the alarm went off for her to come out of her room. Smiling to herself, she jumped up from her bed, groped around for a second on the nightstand for the alarm clock, turned it off, and went downstairs to find Bee.

She found him downstairs, sitting at the kitchen table doing homework. "I found your message," she grinned, walking quickly over and surprising him with a tight hug. Bee smiled quietly and hugged her back just as tight, glad to see she was happy again.

"Only took ya all day," he teased lightly. Firestar laughed and sat down in the chair next to his.

"How'd you get it onto my Braille list?"

"I used Google translate," Bee smirked. "And reprinted it for you."

"Smart," Firestar smiled. Their conversation was suddenly cut off by a knock at the door.

"I'll get it," Firestar offered, standing up and walking over. She grunted slightly in surprise as she was suddenly hugged tightly by whoever it was she'd just opened the door for. "Arcee?"

"Hey Star," she said with an audible smile, stepping back and releasing her from the sudden hug. "Missed you over the weekend and at school today! Are you okay? Hope you're not sick or anything."

Firestar laughed and waved them inside, assuming that if Arcee was here, Jazz was too. "I'm alright now, thanks."

"What've you been up to all day?" Jazz asked as they walked into the kitchen, confirming her suspicion that he was, in fact, there.

"Nothing much, really," Star shrugged, leaning back against the counter next to her friend. "Bee's been doing homework and whatever...I took a nap and listened to some music up in my room."

"Oh? What songs?" Jazz asked, putting his arm up on her shoulder with a smirk.

"It's called Safe and Sound, I think it's from The Hunger Games."

"Oh that's a good one," Jazz nodded.

"You've heard it?"

"No," he admitted. "But it sounds cool." Arcee snorted and rolled her eyes.

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