Great News

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Ratchet looked up from his computer as Bumblebee and Firestar walked in.

“How was the park?” He asked, looking back to his screen.

“It was fun!” Firestar laughed.

“Glad to hear it. Sandwiches are on the counter.”

“What are they?” Bee asked as he led Star into the kitchen.

“Peanut butter and jelly, though I did put honey on a few of them. There should be enough for two each,” Ratchet said with a small smile.

“Awesome!” Bee grinned, picking up one of the honey ones. “Do you want a jelly or a honey one, Star?”

“I'll have jelly,” Firestar smiled, taking the sandwich Bee handed her.

“Star,” Bee said carefully as she took a bite of her sandwich. “I have a question.”

“What is it?” she asked lightly, taking another bite.

“How do you know what different colors are...if you can't see?”

“Oh that's simple, really,” Star smiled, setting down her sandwich and looking across the counter at him. “I haven't always been blind.”

“You haven't?”

Firestar shook her head. “I got really sick when I was about three years old, and ended up losing my sight- but not before I learned my animals and colors,” She smirked, picking up her sandwich again and taking a big bite.

“Oh, well that makes sense,” Bee shrugged, also taking a large bite from his sandwich.

Ratchet smiled to himself as he listened to them talk from the other room. Normally he would be eating with them, but he needed to get caught up with his work, which meant that he'd have to spend a little more time on it than he usually did. But at least he knew that the kids had good friends that could entertain them far better than he could, and Bee had someone to take care of and hangout with. He seemed to really care about Firestar, only a few hours after meeting her, for which Ratchet was proud of his son.

If someone had asked him six years ago if he was ever going to have a family of his own, he would've said there was no way, he wasn't interested in getting married. But when given the option of adoption, he just couldn't turn the little boy away. And now here he was, the father of two little kids- well, foster father of one of them but still, he'd never thought he would have the chance to raise any children, and somehow it had just happened.

And he wouldn't change it for the world.

*one year later*

“Bumblebee, Firestar, I need you kids to clean your rooms before Jazz and Arcee come over,” Ratchet called up to them as he did the dishes. He heard two sets of feets pound down the stairs, and seconds later Bee and Star entered the kitchen.

“Jazz and ‘Cee are coming over?” Bee asked, both excited to play with them and confused why he didn't know beforehand.

“Yes, and I'm pretty sure I just asked you two to clean your rooms,” Ratchet sighed as he turned to face them. “Which are upstairs.”

“Well, we just wanted to know why they're coming over,” Firestar explained, her cane oddly not in her hand. Apparently she had grown used to where everything was around the house.

Ratchet couldn't help but smile slightly as he turned back to the dishes. “Remember how Elita is going to have a baby?”

“Yeah,” the kids nodded in near unison.

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