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*around 2 in the morning*

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*around 2 in the morning*

"Dad!" A small voice called from the side of the bed. Ratchet grumbled and rolled over away from voice. "Dad~!" The owner of the voice poked his shoulder insistently, and finally he sat up.

"What is it?" He asked sleepily, turning to see Firestar standing next to the bed. "Is something wrong?"

"I can't sleep," the small girl said quietly, looking down at her feet.

"Did you have another bad dream?" Ratchet asked, trying to keep from sounding annoyed at being woken up. Firestar nodded.

"I tried waking up Bee, but he was too asleep..."

With a small sigh Ratchet pulled her up onto the bed to sit next to him. "Do you want to tell it to me, or just try going back to sleep?"

"I...I think I just want to sit with you for a minute..." she said, almost too soft to hear, and rested her head on his shoulder.

"Alright," Ratchet sighed, putting a comforting arm around her and leaning back against the headboard.

He hadn't realized he had fallen asleep until he opened his eyes to find the sun was starting to come up. He looked down at Firestar, who was fast asleep, and smiled slightly. Careful not to wake her, Ratchet gently picked her up and carried her back to her room, where he had to step over Arcee to get to the bed. Firestar stirred as he laid her down and tucked her in, but thankfully she managed not to wake up. With that sorted out, Ratchet stepped back over Arcee, closed the door behind him as quietly as possible, and went back into his room to try and get back to sleep.

>>8 o'clock in the morning>>

Firestar woke up feeling a little disoriented, but it didn't last long; she had been waking up in the night and going into either Bee or Ratchet's room to find comfort a lot over the past month or so. Her parents' custody battle over her had been bothering her lately, and she found it increasingly difficult to sleep through the night, because of her bad dreams. She would never tell anyone, but lately they had been that something bad had happened and she couldn't be with either of her parents, nor Ratchet and Bumblebee, who she had had come to think of as family. Not the kind of dreams you would usually expect a 9 year old girl to have to deal with.

Firestar sighed and rolled out of bed, her foot quickly finding Arcee's empty sleeping bag on the floor. She was probably down stairs already.

Arcee had had trouble sleeping too, but for her it was more out of excitement rather than dread and anxiety. She had kept Firestar awake into the wee hours of the night- she didn't know quite what time it was when her friend had finally stopped talking and the room had fallen into a tired silence, at last allowing Firestar to fall asleep...only to be awakened hours later by yet another bad dream.

After making sure the door was closed, she walked over to her dresser, opened the second drawer and pulled out a shirt, quickly changing into it and closing the drawer again. After which she opened the third drawer and pulled out a pair of shorts, changing into them and closing the drawer, now pretty much ready for the day. She didn't pay a lot of mind to what she wore, because she couldn't see it anyways, and trying to pick out a certain outfit would be pointless. However, occasionally Bumblebee would help her find a better coordinating outfit, and sometimes even helped her do her hair, which usually was either just a ponytail or simply brushed and left down. Firestar knew her hair was a light blonde, and she could tell it was somewhere near elbow length, but she couldn't remember ever actually seeing what her hair looked like. She'd only been three of course, so it made sense that she wouldn't remember much about her own appearance.

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