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Sunfade ran towards the nearest group of people, knowing they could help her find a fireman. She had to stop several times due to a cough attack, but she kept going; she had to save that boy. One of the teachers saw her running out from the building and ran over to her.

"Did you just come out of the school?!" he asked, kneeling down in front of her and putting his hands gingerly on her shoulders.

"Ye--" she broke off in another cough attack and the teacher quickly scooped her up and rushed her to an ambulance. One of the paramedics, known as First Aide, grabbed an oxygen mask and put it over her face, before tending to her minor injuries.

"It's sure lucky she had this jacket on or she would be a lot more seriously hurt," he muttered. "Ratchet, I need some gauze over here!"

"They found another child?" Ratchet asked as he walked over with the gauze, and froze. "Where did you get that jacket?"

"He gave it to me--*cough*-- to keep me safe," she explained. Both paramedics blinked in surprise.

"There was someone else in there with you?" First Aide asked carefully.

"Yes--*cough*-- he saved me, but he's still--*cough*-- stuck!"

"Bumblebee...!" Ratchet muttered in a slightly threatening tone as he turned to find a fireman to go and save his foolish son.

Bumblebee coughed weakly as he lay curled up on the ground, the fire spreading ever closer. The heat was nearly unbearable, and he could hardly breathe. Where were those firefighters...

He thought he heard men shouting somewhere nearby, and grit his teeth as he forced himself to sit up a little. "Hello?!" He shouted desperately, his voice feeling like sandpaper in his throat. The men soon sounded louder and he could them working on removing the rubble to try and clear the hallway enough to get to him. Bee cried out as debris fell around him, hot from the flames and burning his exposed arms and face.

After what seemed like an eternity, he felt someone pick him up and hold an oxygen max to his face, granting him clean air at last. He heard coughing and realized the fireman had given up his own oxygen max so he could breathe. Bee wanted to tell him to keep it on himself, but only coughed more. A different fireman took the young man and quickly made his way back down the hallway while another helped the man who no longer had a mask.

They soon emerged from the building, finally free from the smoke and heat and flames. The fireman rushed over to the nearest ambulance and laid the young man on a stretcher, the paramedics quickly getting to work tending to his burns and injuries.

Ratchet ran over and helped, wanting to yell at Bumblebee for being so stupid, but decided this was not the time. He'd saved that little girl but almost got himself killed...he should have left it to the firemen! The medic sighed forcefully and shook his head a little, focusing on helping his son.

Jazz heard shouting and ran over to the ambulance as the firefighter set his friend down on the stretcher. He gasped and stopped dead in his tracks when he saw how hurt he was. His blonde hair was singed and covered in soot, his arms and face had several burns from debris and the steam, his elbow was bleeding from many small cuts and had a few pieces of glass still inside. His shirt and pants were singed and had several small holes burned in them from debris, and his ankles had burns from the water.

The teen covered his mouth and had to sit down as he got dizzy. His best friend could have died in there...all because he didn't stop him from going in. He blinked a few times as he felt a hand on his shoulder, and looked up to see one of paramedics kneeling next to him.

"You okay?" She asked gently and watched him with worry in her eyes. Jazz shook his head a little as he blinked back tears. The woman smiled sadly and got a blanket from the ambulance and gently out it around his shoulders before sitting next to him. "It's alright..." She whispered, knowing the teen was likely upset about the fire. "I'm sure they got everyone out..they'll all be okay."

Jazz just nodded silently and rested his head on his knees as he hugged his legs to his chest. He hoped she was right. His little brother was already doing better, but he didn't know what he would do if he lost his best friend...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2019 ⏰

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