Classic Teens

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Bee watched the clock on the wall behind his English teacher, willing the time to go faster. Only 7 minutes away from lunch, but it felt like an eternity! He struggled to focus on the lecture, but it all just sounded like noise to him as his stomach seemed to have taken over his head and convinced his body that he was starving.

“Really should have eaten a bigger breakfast…” Bee muttered under his breath as he doodled on his note sheet.

“Bumblebee, are you paying attention?” Mr. Hansen asked in a demanding tone. Bee jerked his head up, startled, and nodded vigorously.

“Er, yes sir. I was just- taking notes,” he blurted, instantly feeling bad for lying, but ignoring it as best he could so it wouldn't show.

“Oh, well good,” Mr. Hansen nodded, returning to his lecture. Bumblebee sighed quietly and returned to his random sketch.

Three long minutes later, the bell finally rang. Bee gathered up his papers and shoved them into his backpack as fast as he could, jumping up and following the equally eager crowd of students out into the hallway. Once finally free of the pack, Bee turned and went the opposite direction of the lunchroom, to go and pick up Firestar, whose class was conveniently located on in the far side of the school.

“Let's go,” he said, slightly out of breath as he walked over to where she waited and took her hand.

“Are we meeting up with Jazz and Arcee?” Firestar asked as she followed him down the hall.

“Yeah,” Bee nodded as they reached the commons. “They said to meet them by the flagpole.”

“You sound tired,” Firestar frowned, regarding the yellow color that led her through the crowd. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I'm fine,” Bee sighed. “It was just a long walk; I felt like a fish trying to swim upstream.”

“Against the current,” Firestar nodded, catching on and smiling again.

“Well well well, what do we have here?” a cocky voice mocked, quickly revealed to be a teen with spiky red hair and a red leather jacket, who looked around the same age as Bumblebee. “The wimpy bug and his pathetic fake sister~”

Bee’s grip on Firestar's hand grew a little tighter, and she could tell that the boy's words had stung him.

“Don't listen to him,” she said only loud enough for Bee to hear. Bee sighed and tried to walk past the boy, but they stepped back into his path.

“Going somewhere?” He sneered.

“Yes actually, now get out of my way, Knockout,” Bee tried to step around him, but Knockout just got back in the way.

“Not so fast, bug,” he said in a taunting voice. “I didn't say I was finished with you.”

“Well that's too bad, cuz I am really finished with you,” Bee retorted, again trying to pass him, but again his path was blocked.

“Why don't you make me?” Knockout pushed him back, knocking into Firestar slightly and causing her to stumble. Bumblebee glared at him but otherwise did nothing besides hold Star's arm to steady her.

“Well come on then, make me!”

Bee exhaled forcefully and turned around, walking away from the bully.

“What's the matter, wimp,” Knockout taunted loudly. “You too chicken?”

“Yes, okay?!” Bee all but shouted back. “Now leave me alone.” Knockout stared after the two of them as they took the long way around. Firestar felt Bee shaking with anger, and gripped his arm with her free hand.

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