Off to a Rough Start

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>>6 years later>>

Smokescreen was excited out of his mind; today was his first day of 1st grade, and he couldn't wait!

“Smokescreen, please try to eat your cereal without making a mess,” Elita admonished with a smile as she used a napkin to clean up the milk and pieces of cereal that surrounded the young boy's bowl.

“Oh, sorry Mommy,” he apologized, doing his best to eat without spilling too much, though it made very little difference. “I'm just too excited!”

“I'm sure you are,” His mother said as she threw away the napkin and turned to the stairs. “Jazz, Arcee! What's taking so long?”

“I can't find my shirt!” Arcee called back.

“Which shirt?” Elita asked with a sigh. Arcee was so particular about what she wore to school lately.

“The one that- oh never mind, I found it!”

“Okay~,” Elita shook her head. “Jazz! You almost ready for school?”

“My hair won't cooperate!” Jazz shouted back in frustration.

“Have you asked your father to help you?” Elita asked with a small smirk, once again cleaning up Smokescreen's mess. Jazz paused, and then called for Optimus to come help him.

“When can we go?” Smokescreen asked eagerly, milk and cereal all over his face and shirt.

“As soon as your siblings are ready, and we get you into a clean shirt,” Elita laughed, wiping off his face and helping him down from the stool.

“Aw, but I wanna wear this one!” Smokescreen protested, pulling at his soggy shirt. “It has a dinosaur on it!”

“I'm sure we can find you another dinosaur shirt,” Elita sighed as she led him up the stairs and into his room. The instant his mother got his shirt off, Smokescreen ran over to his closet in search of a dino-shirt.

“I found one!” He shouted triumphantly, holding up a green shirt with a Triceratops on it.

“Alright, put that on and then go brush your teeth while I make your lunch,” Elita sighed as she walked back downstairs and put the milk soaked shirt in the washing machine. She glanced at the clock as she got out the bread and jelly, and was surprised to see how quickly time had passed.

“Kids! You need to hurry; it's already 7:15!”

“Scrap!” she heard Jazz sort-of-curse as he ran down the stairs- hair still a little messy -and grabbed his backpack and a piece of toast, heading for the door.

“Jazz, wait for Arcee,” Elita sighed as she spread jelly on Smokescreen's sandwich. Just jelly of course; that was the only way he would eat it.

Jazz groaned in frustration and called up to his sister. “Arcee! We need to go right now!”

“I haven't finished my make-up!” she called back, also clearly frustrated. Jazz rolled his eyes and muttered something about how pointless make-up was.

“If it takes more than five minutes, you're putting on too much,” Optimus said as he walked passed the bathroom and down the stairs to the main floor.

“Aah! Smokescreen, stay out of my make-up!” They heard Arcee shout, and seconds later Smokescreen came running down the stairs yelling ‘I didn't do anything!’.

Optimus gave him a look. “What did you do now?”

“Nothing!” Smokescreen insisted. “I was trying to get my toothbrush, and then my elbow bonked her black bottle and it fell in the toilet! It was an ascident!”

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