Chapter 13: Collaborating

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Chapter 13: Collaborating

Marzia walked into the apartment with a couple bags in her hands. She looked around and noticed that Felix wasn't there. She went into the bedroom to find her boyfriend sleeping on the bed, and put her clothes away in her dresser. As she put the last piece away, Felix sat up with sleepy eyes.

"Morning sleeping beauty" Marzia joked as she sat on the bed.

"Haha, what time is it babe?"

"7 o' clock"

"Okay, at least I didn't over sleep"

"True, c'mon, let's go make dinner"

After Marzia put the macaroni and cheese in the oven, Felix sat down in the living room and checked his twitter. He saw that Ken tweeted about them playing together. Bros kept tweeting at Ken, saying how much they loved Pewds.

A smile spread across Felix's face. That's my bro army for you.

As Marzia set the dinner on the table, Felix gave her a quick hug and a kiss on the head. "Thanks darling, it smells amazing."

Marzia smiled as they say down to eat. Felix asked about the clothes she had bought.

"Oh you know, I just got a couple shirts and a pair of jeans, nothing to fancy."

"That's great, I'm glad you enjoyed yourself, what do you think of Sweden so far?"

"It's nice, this country is beautiful and the people are nice. I'm just lucky the cashier could speak English."

"Haha, yea. A lot of people do speak English, I prefer Swedish, just because it sounds cooler."

Marzia laughed as she finished her food and set her plate in the sink. "I'm going to go take a shower, then read a book".

"Okay, I'll be with Ken and his friends, it's almost 8."

"Have fun!" Marzia said as she walked into the bathroom.


As soon as Felix sat down in his chair, he got a Skype message from Ken.

You ready?

Felix wrote back

Yea, call me.

As Felix clicked accept on the incoming Skype call, he instantly heard Kens voice.

"Heeeey Felix, these are my friends: Minx, Captainsparklez and Cryoatic."

A choir of 3 people said "hello" at the same time.

"Nice to meet you all" Felix said awkwardly as he turned on his camera.

Felix soon became more comfortable around these people and within no time was acting his crazy, normal self. The group played Slendy Tubbies for an hour, and after endless amounts of screaming, laughing and yelling, they decided to play "Draw my Thing".

The game was simple and they all had a good time. Felix noticed Cryoatic laughed a lot and that Captainsparklez wasn't very talkative. Minx had a British accent and Ken goofed around a lot. It was a nice little group, and by the end of their recording session, Felix had enough footage to make 6 videos with minimum editing effort.

At 10 o' clock, Pewds and Minx had to get off so that they could get some sleep. Before Felix exited the gaming room for the night, he started to upload a Happy Wheels episode. He would edit the 6 episodes the following day.


As Felix entered the bedroom, Marzia was sitting on the bed, still reading her book.

"Don't you think it's time to stop reading?" Felix said with a little laugh.

"Yea, but it's such a good book," Marzia whined, putting down the book next to her. "How was Slendy Tubbies?"

"It went well, I played with Ken and three other friends, who were really nice. We all have around the same amount of subscribers, except for this guy named Captainsparklez. He has quite a few more than the rest of us"

"Well I'm glad you met nice people, Bros will be interested to see collabs sometimes."

Felix smiled. Even if she wasn't a youtuber, she sure did have a mind of one.

Felix took off his shirt and jumped into bed. Getting comfortable, he snuggled up to Marzia. He sure did like her by his side.

"Hey hun,"

"Yes Felix?"

"When I took a nap earlier, the bed felt kind of empty. It wasn't the same."

Marzia blushed. "Thanks babe, sweet dreams"

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