Chapter 40: Its Okay

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Chapter 40: It's Okay

[Ciera's POV]

When I opened my eyes, I felt a throbbing pain in the back of my head, and shoulder. A panicked feeling came over me, and I sat up really quickly, leading me to wince and gasp for air.

Felix and Marzia were next to me.

"Don't move sweetie" I heard Felix say.

"Its okay."

My memory came back to me of what had happened. "Felix, is Austin okay? I want to see him, please!"

Marzia touched my arm. "He's alive, you'll get to see him soon."

"What are his injuries? Please tell me he's okay.... it's all my fault."

"It's not you're fault, he chose to cover you."

That's even worse, he risked his own life to save me.

The doctor came into the room. "Ciera, it seems you suffered a minor concussion and you have a dislocated shoulder.

Not too bad, I can recover from that.

"What happened to Austin? What are his injuries?"

"He was shot in chest, but the bullet missed all major organs and blood vessels. He was taken into surgery a couple hours ago to remove the bullet. He should be out of surgery and in the Critical Condition room soon."

Oh god, this is horrible. I thought as he left the room.

"I'm going to go get food and water for you, the doctor said you should have a little.

She left, leaving Felix right by my bed side.

He could see the guilt and sadness in my eyes.

"Like I said, it's not your fault, try not to think of that. It was my fault for letting you go."

I was on the verge of crying. "It's not your fault, this was suppose to be a normal first date. No one could have ever predicted what had happened. But he saved me. Everyone always saves me. First you and then him. Everyone around me gets hurt. I'm a bad luck charm. I wish it was me who got shot, not him."

That made him tear up.

"I'm sorry dad.... I just, feel horrible about it..."

He kissed my forehead. "It's okay. Don't stress yourself out. You're not in shape to do anything but rest."

"I guess you're right." I said just to lower the tension.


[Austin's POV]

When I woke up, I felt a dull pain in my chest. My vision was blurred, and I heard beeping of machines. One of the doctors said "he's awake".

I lifted my head, but quickly laid back down, after feeling the burning in my chest.

The main doctor came over. "How are you doing there sport?"

I mumbled "alright". I then remember exactly what had happened. My eyes widened.

"Doctor Hughes, how is Ciera? Is she okay?"

"Yes, thanks to you. She's got minor injuries, and she's awake."

I sighed a sigh of relief. "Good"

"She's been wanting to see you, but we wanted to be sure you were awake and stable first."

"Really? Can I see her now please?"

"Sure thing."

He left the room, and 5 minutes later, Ciera walked in with a sling around her arm and a bandage around her head.

"Hi Austin." She said shyly.

I smiled. I'm glad she's okay.

"Hello there"

"Look... I'm sorry."

"You have nothing to be sorry about. I did it because I wanted to."

"Well then... Thank you. I probably wouldn't be alive right now if it weren't for you."

"Don't mention it" I smiled again. She feels really bad, I can tell.

"Come here, I have to tell you sometime"

She leaned closer.

"A little closer"

When she was close enough, I kissed her on the cheek. "Don't worry about me."

She smiled, for first time this morning.

"Well, I'm going to stay here until your mom gets here."

"If you wish. My mom will probably be here in a half hour. She couldn't get off of work early I'm guessing."

"Then a half hour I will wait."

Felix then walked through the door. He looked at me. "How are you holding up there Austin?"

"I'm alright there Pewds, as good as can be."

"That great, do you need anything?"

"Yea, um actually... Could you take my phone and tweet out saying I'm okay.?"

"I should probably do that too" said Ciera as she pulled out her phone.


[Felix's POV]

We got home around 1 in the morning. Austin had to stay a couple more days, but Ciera was let go with some medication. She went straight asleep. After I put Stephano to bed, I checked the news. 15 kids injured, 5 of those in critical condition. 4 deaths and 7 left physically unharmed, but mentally scarred. None of them deserved this. I hope whoever did this is killed.

I crawled into bed with Marzia. I held her closer than I normally do. You never know when something could happen to the ones you love. Treat every second like it your last.


Hope you bros like reading so far :p I wanted to give you a minor update, just so you're not dying of anticipation :) as always bros. I love you, stay awesome *brofist*

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