Chapter 18: Cruising Through L.A

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[Authors note: Thanks for 500 reads, and 500 followers on Instagram. You guys are amazing <3 This is going to get real good, real soon, so stay tune]

Chapter 18: Cruising Through L.A

Felix woke up to the sound of screaming fans from the lobby.
Sounds like the L.A youtubers are here.

Just as he thought that, he heard a knock on the door. He walked over to the door and opened it. Anthony and Kalel were standing there smiling.

"Sorry, we didn't mean to wake you up" Anthony said.

"It's okay, we should be up anyways, come inside if you'd like."

The three walked in and Kalel noticed Marzia still in bed. "Are you sure you want us here?

"Haha, yea I'm sure, she should get up anyways, it's eleven o' clock. HEY SLEEPING BEAUTY!" Felix yelled as he threw a pillow at her.

She groaned and sat up, seeing Anthony and Kalel sitting on the couch
"Oh hey guys" Marzia said with a smile.
She got out of bed and sat down with them around the table.

"So it's your first time in America for both of you, right?" Kalel questioned.

"Yea, it was scary at first, but I think her and I have gotten used to it."

"Well maybe we can show you around, we know L.A like the back of our hand" Anthony said.

Marzia jumped up with excitement. "Sure we'd love too! Just let us get ready, how about we meet you at your hotel room in an hour?"

"Sounds good, see you later!" Kalel said as she left the room with Anthony.

When they left, the two rushed around to try to get ready in time. They both took a shower, brushed their teeth, and got dressed. Within an hour, they were ready to go. Marzia and Felix headed into the elevator to go down to Anthony and Kalel's hotel room. When they arrived, they knocked and the door opened to reveal Anthony and Kalel standing there ready to go.

When all four of them climbed into Kalel's car, Anthony suggested they go to a nearby diner for lunch. They agreed and soon they were sitting at the diner, getting their order taken by waitresses. They stuffed themselves with chicken, hamburgers, french fries, ice cream and soda.

After eating they decided to go to the mall. Anthony and Felix had fun in GameStop, while Marzia and Kalel went into Forever 21 and bought a bunch of clothes. The girls had to drag the boys out of GameStop because they stood there forever playing Mario.

Valet brought their car around and Marzia threw all of their new items into the trunk of the car. After that, Marzia suggested that they go play a round of mini golf, so they headed to the nearest course and played three games. Felix winning them all.

At that time they had used up the whole afternoon doing fun activities, so they decided to go to dinner. Anthony and Kalel took them to a restaurant called Taco Bell. Anthony begged them to try a taco since neither of them have had one before. Marzia and Felix thought that they were delicious. (Btw, Taco Bell is my crack ^.^)

The night ended by the four going back to the hotel and hanging out in Marzia's room. She brought her Wii, so they played Mario Party for a little while. The games went on for about an hour until Felix said to Anthony "hey man, would you mind if I talked to you about something in the hallway?"

The girls looked confused.

"Uh, sure bro, I guess."

Anthony followed Felix out into the hallway and shut the door behind them. "Whats up Felix?"

"Well, I wanna do something fun tomorrow."

"Yea me too actually."

"I have an idea." Felix said as they continued their conversation.


After their chat, they walked back into the room, where Kalel and Marzia were talking about fashion week.

"We have an announcement!" Anthony said, cheerily.

Felix joined in "We will be doing a main stage performance tomorrow on the opening day of vidcon!"

Kalel and Marzia looked at eachother. "What will we do?"

Felix walked over. "We could interview some L.A youtubers"

"Sure! Sounds fun" the girls said in unison.

"I could get Tyler, Joey, Shane, Luke and Lisa to do it." Anthony said.

"Okay, then it's settled. In the meantime, me and Anthony should go to bed, we have an exciting day ahead of us."

The boys smiled at each other, and they all said their goodnights.


By the time Felix got to bed, Marzia was sound asleep.

She's so beautiful and perfect. I don't deserve her, but I'm glad she's with me. I hope she knows how much I love her.

Felix got lost in his own thoughts and drifted off to sleep.

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