Chapter 14: A New Member Of The Family

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[Authors note: Sorry about posting late, Wattpad deleted my whole chapter ;.; There will be an update every day this week! And Pewds is at 19.7 million right now <3 1/6/13]

Chapter 14: New Member Of The Family

4 Months Later

Background information: Felix is at 500.000 subscribers and Marzia has started her own beauty channel. She is at 75,000 subs.

Marzia wakes up next to Felix beside her, sound asleep under his laptop. Awe he fell asleep editing.

As soon as Marzia got up, she heard Felix behind her. "Hey hun?"

"Yes my silly swede?"

He blushed. He loved when she called him that. "I was wondering if you wanted to shoot that Wii video today?"

"Sure, let me get ready first."

"Awwwe, but I wanted you to stay I'm bed with me." Felix whined as he playfully pulled her arm.

"Fine you big baby" Marzia said smiling and jumping into bed.


After cuddling, getting dressed, filming a video and making lunch, Felix told Marzia that he was going to the store. He wasn't going to the grocery store though. He planned to go to a pet store to get Marzia's birthday present. Her birthday was the following day, and she had always wanted a pug.

Felix headed out the door while Marzia was taking a shower. "be back in a bit babe!" Felix yelled to the back of the apartment.


When Felix first entered the door, he went over to the accessories part of the store. He bought food, a collar, a leash, food bowls, a bed and a cage. After that he went over the dog section and instantly fell in love with this one female pug.

Felix told the cashier which dog he wanted, and paid for all the things he had gotten.

He left the store with a black and white pug who was 2 months old.


Felix entered the apartment quietly, hoping that Marzia wasn't in the living room. Felix could hear Marzia watching youtube videos in their bedroom. Setting the cage down and hiding all the items on the table in the kitchen, Felix called Marzia.

"Hey baby, I got a surprise for you!"

Marzia walked out into the living room and Felix quickly rushed over and covered her eyes.

"Felix, what's this all about?" Marzia said smiling.

"Marzia, I love you, and I wanted to show you by getting you this present. You've always wanted one and I want my princess to have whatever she wants."

Felix uncovered her eyes to reveal the dog in it's cage.

"Oh my god Felix! It's so cute! Thanks baby, I love you so much." Marzia said as she kissed Felix.

Marzia went over to the cage and got the dog out. As she was petting it, Felix asked, "what are you going to name her?"

"Maya, I think it's fitting"

"I think that's a perfect name, happy birthday princess." Felix said cupping her face with his hands and kissing her passionately, falling in love all over again.


That night, Maya slept on her bed in The couple's bedroom. While Felix was editing and uploading, Marzia was filming a video for her channel in the living room.

When Marzia was finished, she came into the bedroom to see Felix slumped over, asleep. When Marzia picked up the laptop from his lap, she noticed one of her make up tutorials was playing.

Marzia couldn't help but smile. He was watching just because it was her video. She set his lap top down and kissed him on the forehead. "Good night my silly swede."

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