Chapter 43: Still Love

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[1 week later - Mid April]

Chapter 43: Still Love

[Ciera's POV]

I woke up to Marzia slightly shaking me.

"C'mon Ciera, time to get up"

As she shut the door, I groggily stood up, and went into the bathroom.

At around 3, I heard a knock on the door, and I answered it. Austin stood there with a backpack and a box of Cheez-its.

We wanted to have a study date, to finish the years remaining school work. Homeschooling is awesome because you can do as much as you want, when you want.

Also, we can stay home and watch Stephano while Marzia and Felix go out for the afternoon. They haven't had much time to them selves, so I brought up the idea.

"Hey Austin, c'mon in."

We settled in the living room with our laptops and schoolwork, while Marzia and Felix walked past us.

"We're going now, if you need anything, call us. If it's an emergency, call Kalel, she's closer. Stephano needs his bottle when he wakes up."

"Kay" we both said in unison.

They left, leaving us to our English homework.


[Felix's POV]

We left the house, hand in hand until we reached the car.

When we got to the arcade, it brought back so many memories. We were both practically kids again.

We both participated in multiple games, earning roughly 300 tickets combined. I lived for the moments that she would just look and me and smile. It's a warm fuzzy feeling that makes me feel loved.

Since there were no prizes that were anything special, we gave our tickets to this one lady. She had 2 kids with her, so we thought it would be a random act of kindness.

After the arcade, we headed to a nearby restaurant for dinner. We indulged in Chinese food, while we talked. Just like best friends, yet... she was the love of my life.


[Ciera's POV]

2 hours after they had left, Stephano woke up and started crying. I brought him out to the living and gave him his bottle. He still cried.

Checked his diaper (Nappy to UK readers c;) . Nope, all good.

I tried rocking him for 5 minutes, but to no avail.

Austin said "here, let me try".

I handed Sark over to Austin. He started rocking him and making silly faces. Eventually, we got a laugh out of the little guy. He kept laughing, making me laugh as well. He laughed so much, he fell right back asleep.

When I came back into the room after putting Stephano in his crib, I sat down next to Austin.

"Wow, you're a natural"

"Ha, I suppose."

Guys who are good with kids are literally the cutest thing ever. Ugh I can't.

We continued into our History work until we decided to take a break. Bringing out the food and soda, we turned on YouTube and cuddled while watching Felix's latest video.


[Marzia's POV]

When Felix and I finished our Chinese food, we headed to the last destination of the night.

As darkness set, we pulled up to the local park. Climbing to the top of the hill, we then laid down next to each other under the clear night sky.

Looking up at the stars, we started talking.

"So, what's bothering you hun?"

He turned to me. "What?"

"I think something's bothering you, what is it?"

"Oh, it's nothing"

I turned my head towards his and kissed him.

"You can tell me anything darling."

He forced a fake smile. "You know me too well. YouTube is just becoming a little stressful. 28 million people have different ideas of what they want from me, and it just gets to me sometimes. I know it's nothing to complain about but.... I don't know."

I could understand. I worry about what 1 person thinks of me, let alone 28 million.

"It's okay Felix, Your real fans will understand that everything you do cannot please everyone. I know you have a huge weight on your shoulders, but you have that weight for a reason. They adore all of your imperfections. Also, your smile is the highlight of their day. Plus, think of all the people you make happy."

I paused and kissed him.

"Including me".

He smiled and kissed me back.

"I love you Marzia."

The way he says my name makes my heart jump.

"I love you more Felix."


When we arrived back at the house, Austin had already gone home and Ciera was asleep on the couch. One of Felix's videos was playing.

I walked up the stairs and into bed while Felix carried Ciera to her room.

He joined me, wrapping his arm around my waist.

Before falling asleep, I whispered "I know it's hurting you, but it's killing me."

He squeezed me into a hug and we fell asleep in each others arms.


Short and probably boring chapter, I know... This still took me 3 hours because I can never concentrate c: But, I know that I haven't been putting much Melix into this as I should have. I tried.

Sorry you had to wait so long for this update, and btw 44K reads is insane. Thank you bros <3 stay awesome *brofist*

P.S "Ciera" (my friend's name) is just another spelling of "Sierra", if anyone was confused c;

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