Chapter 12: Ranks

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AN: In case you were wondering, Nicole is Amity. Also! Go read my new story The Capitol Games!

Chapter 12:

"Tris get up!"

I wake with a start and groan as my head throbs, threatening to drive me insane.

"Get dressed. We have to go in 15 minutes!" He yells.

"Tobias, quiet down!" I spit.

"Sorry, Tris." He whispers.

I roll my eyes and get out of bed.

"Tobias.. Do I live here now?" I ask. I have been sleeping here a lot lately, I hate my apartment.

"If you want to!" He smiles.

I place my hands on his chest. "Okay."

I spin around and grab my tight, back v-neck shirt and quickly throw it on, along with my fitted black pants and my shoes.

"Ready." I say.

"Umm, Tris." He laughs.

"What? Do you have a problem with this outfit too?" I ask angrily. He can't control what I wear.

"Your hair."

I walk into the bathroom and laugh. My hair is a mess. "Thanks, Tobias!" I call.

"No problem." He laughs and I join in as a put my hair in high ponytail. I make a last second decision to put on some of Christina's favorite eyeliner.

"Now I'm ready." I smile. "C'mon!"

I step out of the compartment, hand in hand with Tobias.


We arrive in the training room and I see Tobias already put the fights on the board.

Nicole and Jaymie

Tom and Garret

Kirsten and Noelle

Joseph and Wren

Ben and Michelle

I hope Jaymie kills Nicole.

"Alright everyone! Nicole and Jaymie are up first!" Tobias calls.

I think Jaymie will win because she's Dauntless.

"Begin!" He roars.

Nicole punches Jaymie in the stomach, taking her off guard. Jaymie dives for Nicole's legs and sends her to the ground. Nicole whimpers when Jaymie kicks her in the side of the head. Nicole hops up and kicks Jaymie right in the side of the head. Nicole punches her again and again until she collapses. Nicole kicks her again and again until Jaymie yells, "Stop! STOP!"

Who knew an Amity could fight? Jaymie stands up and steps out of the ring. She limps back to Wren and Kirsten, apparently they're friends.

"Next fight, Tom and Garret!" I yell out.

The next fights fly by as I watch Nicole laugh at all of the losers with her group: Ben, Noelle, Michelle, and Tom.

"Alright, Nicole, Tom, Noelle, Joseph, and Ben are the winners! The winners will fight each other tomorrow, 9:00 sharp! You are all dismissed except Nicole." Tobias calls.

Nicole's jaw drops as she cheers for herself. Her friends pat her back, whispering good luck. Nicole thinks Tobias is asking her out.

"Tris, go." He whispers.

"No, I'm staying." I whisper back.

"Hi Four!" She says sweetly. Her smile quickly fades. "Why is she here? I thought you dumped her after I just about killed her!"

I smirk. Tobias would never dump me.

"No, I love Tris." He smiles at me.

Nicole makes a growling noise. She really reminds me of a cat..

"Why am I here then?" She half-hisses.

"Because you had a fight with Tris." He says coldly.

"She started-"

"You came in when you were supposed to be in the dorms and you started a fight. Not to mention it was with an instructor. That results in 1 rank down at the end of this."

"W-What do you mean?" Nicole stammers.

Amity girls are clueless.

"I'll give you an example." Tobias says slowly. "If you were ranked 2, you would automatically be ranked 3 instead."

"That is NOT fair!" Nicole wails.

"Seems fair to me." I say with a smirk.

"You are a bitch!" Nicole screams.

She manages to reach out and claw me before Tobias restrains her.

"See that, little bitch Tris? He is holding ME. He loves ME not you!" She cackles.

I laugh. "See you at home, Tobias!" I call after him.

I break out in a fit of laughter at her comments. Tobias loving her? Never.

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