Chapter 25: Gone

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Chapter 25:

-Tobias's Point of View-

I look over at my sleeping wife. She looks younger and less troubled. I swiftly slide out of bed so she doesn't hear me and grab a muffin. I quickly eat it as I slip out the door. I make my way to Uriah's room to congratulate him. Just before I knock on the door, two hands cover my mouth. I jump in surprise and I'm flung at the ground.

"If you make a sound I will not hesitate to kill you," a familiar voice says.

I look up and see Marcus. My father.

I open my mouth to say something and earn a kick to the side of my head. My vision blurs slightly.

"You will shut up if you know what's good for you," he says coldly, yet still quietly. Almost like a harsh whisper.

I start to stand so I can fight him but he sweeps my legs out from under me. My head hits the ground and blackness takes over.


-Tris's Point of View-

I wake up and see that Tobias isn't next to me. I look around the compartment but he is nowhere to be seen.

I quickly get dressed and run out the door. Where could he be? I check the entire compound for him but he is gone. I know I have to find him. I bang on Uriah's door.

He answers with a groan. "What, Tris?"

"Tobias. . . He's gone," I say, choking back a sob.

Uriah's angered look fades and turns into concern. "Did you-?"

"I've checked everywhere! He did leave a note or any sign that he left intentionally! I-I just don't know what to do!"

"Calm down. We will find him." Uriah says in a soft, calm voice.

I try to talk but find I can't so I just nod.

"I'll go get Christina."


"Ready?" I ask.

Christina and Uriah nod and we jog out of the compound.

"So where did you say you think he is?" Christina asks.

"I think that Marcus and possibly Evelyn took him to one of the factionless houses in Abnegation. They need something from me. And the only way to get me to go to them is to take Tobias."

Christina nods slowly.

"And," I say, catching my breath, "I will go to them if Tobias is there."

"Okay. But we are helping you," Uriah says.


I look back and see Zeke chasing us.

"Uriah, where the hell are you going?!" He shouts.

"We're saving Four!" He yells proudly.

Zeke finally catches up. "Well. . . I'm going with you!"

"No!" I shout. "I will not put you in danger for me!"

"Oh believe me, Tris. I'm not doing this for you."

I sigh and run faster. We make our way to the train and I hear the horn. I pick up speed and throw myself into the train. I pull Christina in after me.

"Alright now watch for Abnegation. That's where we get off," I say, breathless from all of the running.

I put my face in my hands. I hope Tobias is okay. Even though he is very strong and knows how to protect himself, Marcus could have some stronger people working for him.

I look up and find everyone's eyes on me.

"What?" I snap.

"Tris, you're crying," Uriah points out. "You never cry."

I quickly wipe the tears away, and compose myself, embarrassed that I was crying in front of them. I'm supposed to be brave and strong.

"Sorry," I say quietly.

Christina comes over by me and puts a comforting arm around me. "It's doesn't matter. I know I would be bawling if Uriah was taken like this."

I sigh and just sit with a blank expression until I see Abnegation in the distance. I hop up.

"Let's go," I say firmly.

They nod and one by one, we hop off. I land and take off towards the town.

I have to save Tobias.

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Did you like it?
Sorry, I haven't been writing and I feel off. Something about this chapter shouts 'AWFULNESS'

WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? Pick multiple #s or just 1! c:

1. Tris and the group find bloody and battered Tobias along with a mini army of evil people along with Nicole.

2.They find Tobias but Marcus has injected him with TONS of serum so now, he thinks Tris, Uriah, Christina, and Zeke are the enemy.

3.They fight Marcus and Evelyn, killing one of the two.

4. A new antagonist is introduced.

5. A new protagonist is introduced

6. Nicole helps Tobias escape with the group but gets killed.

7. Nicole helps Tobias escape and lives, becoming a member of their tight-knit group.

8. Other (comment anything)

I love hearing nice things!
And WOW 7.1k???


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