Crimson Eyes

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"Forget the past that makes you cry. And focus on the present that completes your smile."

You woke up this morning feeling refreshed.

That...may not be the best word since you just recover from a one-sided heartbreak, but you felt kinda strangely happy, though the faint pain was still there...

Ever since Blue had comforted you, the past seems to never irk you at all. There's this unexplainable feeling of a weight lifted on your shoulders...Maybe you're just too depressed these days that having no worries was so foreign. At the silly thought, you shook your head as a slight smile passed through your features, stretching your sore arms as you yawned loudly so. Thinking so much in the mornings was not your thing.

To begin with the day, you checked yourself on the mirror. You were quite curious about your whole appearance, given that yesterday you headed straight to bed, totally forgetting to even wash your body. Now that was gross.

Oh yes, you look gross too.

You chuckled slightly as you saw your reflection, all messy and haggard. Where's the refreshed in here? Not only your hair was like a bird's nest, but your pajama looks disheveled too. In short, you look far from being fresh.

But still, why you look and sounded so happy today? I mean you just experienced a heartbreak and you just cried yourself to death more than two days, not to mention you mindlessly planned to kill yourself, so what's with the sudden change of mood? Are you perhaps bipolar? Nah. Your best friend was the answer, as simple as that. Without her, you might never escape this depression, or even the weight on your shoulder wouldn't disappear if not for her...

Correction, it did not disappeared, it was disappearing.

After thoroughly bathing and scrubbing your body, you were now spotless clean. Humming slightly as you dressed to that hideous (but now you somehow find it cute) uniform of yours. Furthermore, you decided not to wear your ribbon. The reason? Nothing, you just feel like it.

With all the sound of hinted happiness coming from your lips, you actually sounded like a girl in love, which you actually was...Wait, what? That's absurd to think about it, considering it was the first love that brought you pain. Plus, you're not in love anymore, not even to your childhood say the least. Even how much you deny it, there's always a place for him in your heart, although you decided not to mind it at all. Enjoying your life and finishing school year was your first priority for now. Who knows if you fall in love with someone again, right? Denying your past love may lead you to your real love after all...

Oh how right and wrong you are.

Grabbing your bag, you were now ready to leave for school however before you could leave the house, something small and furry tackled you, not that hard but enough to make you stumble. A gasp of surprise left your lips. You turned around and smiled when you saw your Pokémon, looking bright and cheerful. Its mood eerily similar to yours...

"Hey there little guy, looking happy today huh?" Hoisting him up from the ground, you petted its tuft of hair. Eevee cried cutely, leaning on your hand.


You didn't turn around, that feminine voice could only belong to a familiar brunette girl. Although, you DID turn around when she cunningly sneaked behind you and tickled you harshly.

"Looking extra cheerful today huh (y/n)! Well then, let me help you laugh!"

Her wiggling fingers savagely roam through your body, tickling anything without mercy. "W-Wai-Haha! Blue! S-Sto-Ahahaha-I-I-STOP!!"

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