Romantic Predicament

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"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage."

"Hey (y/n).......(y/n)?.....(y/n)! Yoohoo, earth to (y/n)."


"You're staring at Green again!"

"Uhmm, Sorry," Scratching the back of your neck, you apologetically look at your best friend - Blue. On the other hand, Blue shook her head.

"If you do that everyday, you might turn into a psychotic yandere!" She said it a little loud that few heads turn toward your table. And yes, you two are currently seated on some chair in the school's canteen. You rolled your (e/c) eyes at her and tried ignoring the prying eyes of curious students. Well at least only few students are here today.

"A what?" You finally asked.

Ignoring you, Blue then rested her back on the chair, mindlessly twirling a strand of her brown hair. Expression suddenly morphing into a serious one. "But seriously (y/n), you're not making an effort at all. How can he notice you if you're the one avoiding?"

Letting out a sigh from your friend's 'advice' yet again, you messily played with your food and explain to the brunette as to why you can't. "It's a long story. Something bad happened when we were little. It was my fault." Tone getting softer and softer with every words. "I wish I'm the one who died at their place." Blue would make a fuss if she heard what you just muttered, so you uttered it barely audible.

Glancing at your plate of food, it was more like garbage than a food from your opinion. Completely stopping your amusement, you brought your cup from your lips, drinking as if to remove this ebbing feeling in your gut. You wondered why Blue became silent for moment, bearing in mind that she never was quiet in her life.

A shadow of a figure appeared on your sight, looming behind you. Half-knowing who this new person was, you turned your head.

You caught a glimpse of dark indigo hair styled into a bottom pigtail.

"Oh hey there Crystal! Didn't notice you there for a moment!" Blue grinned and gestured the girl to sit besides her, in which Crystal gladly complied.

"So how's the day of our Ms. Workaholic?" Blue asked teasingly, resting her chin in her two clasped hands.

Crystal let out a sigh and brushed her hair exasperatedly. "Professor Cheren gave me so much work to do. It's really hard being a class representative."

Blue snickered slightly and pat Crystal on her shoulder. "Well, I know you can do it~ You are our class rep after all." Blue then remove her hand on Crystal's shoulder and pointed at the blue-eyed girl's hair. "Oh and I like that hairstyle, it suits you."

"Flattery won't get you nowhere Blue." The said brunette stick her tongue out, desiring to annoy the girl much more.

Crystal ignored the girl's actions and turned her head from Blue to yours, her ambiance becoming much lighter than before. "Oh sorry for ignoring you (y/n)! You look quite beautiful today!"

Waving your hand in front of you, you modestly beamed at her. "Well thanks I guess."

You watch how Blue pinch Crystal's cheeks whining why you two are not giving her a much-needed attention even though Crystal talked to her not seconds ago.

Yep, clingy at its best.

Then the bickering from the two happened again, well from your point of view, Blue was teasing Crystal, while the said girl somehow looks murderous at Blue's nonsensical chatter. Ignoring the two, you let your eyes wander freely. Gazing at random things sure is boring, but how did you found yourself staring intensely at someone's back? You recognized it as....Green?!

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