Early Dilemmas

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"As soon as I saw you, I knew an adventure was going to happen."

"Ugghh...they are so late!"

Pausing on fixing the ribbon atop her head, (e/c) eyes blink upwards to see the recognizable brunette whining on the spot. Currently, the woman is standing atop a large rock, not that big, but enough to climb upon and stand.

"I know Blue...let's just wait again for a minute. They must have encountered a problem along the way..." Even your assurance can't assert how impatient you were. Specifically if you have been waiting for about an hour now.

What you said never really assured the female, she however, pouted instead. Having been damn impatient for so long, you took a glimpse at your leader. You were planning to ask him regarding the other member's tardiness. You were now perfectly fine with him now, however you still felt a slightest tinge of discomposure and dare you say, insecurity when around him.

Green snap from reality upon hearing you calling his name. He was busy staring at the sky for no particular reason until you snatch his attention. Raising an eyebrow, he shoot you a questioning stare.

"Umm...Have they contacted you about why they were late? We've been here for a while now you know..." You would be this awkward if Green wasn't scowling. It looks like you made him angry or something...

Now that you question about it, Green gained the idea to flip his phone open, desperate to know even a little communication with his fellow groupmates. Not that he particularly care about them, he is just worried about Prof. Acacia possibly punishing them. "Sadly no. They should be here approximately 9:00 am, yet only three of us are here." He clicked his tongue in sheer irritation. Seeing him getting more irritated, you dismissed yourself by leaving him alone and resting upon some smooth rock. There sure are many rocks around this parts. You would probably find a Rock-type Pokémon here.

To kill some time, you brought out Eevee and Ralts, both began to glomp your legs when they saw you. These two could really make you smile, no matter what situation you have gotten into.

"You two, do your best for me okay?" You patted the head of the Psychic Pokémon, and in return it gave a pleasant cry. Your another companion, upon seeing you pet Ralts, started to beg for affection for him too. "Haha, of course Eevee, I won't forget you..."

You were too busy to notice a tall shadow looming over you. "You really took great care of your Pokémon."


Honestly, you were surprised Green had the decision to approach you, so it is just normal to weirdly stare at him when he sat beside you, seeing as no harm could be done.

Realizing the stare you are giving him, you blushed and stared at the ground, or in this case, Eevee's fluffy tail. "O-Oh, I think yes." At the lack of attention, the creature being talked about, prods your hand, whining for more. The sight made your heart swell inside, a smile tugging at the corner of your lips. Green took note of this and decided to be quiet momentarily.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but I heard you also have an Eevee. Not to be rude, however can you let me see it?" Was your honest request. It's not your fault why that crossed your mind, and being the curious you are, you can't help but ask. Plus, you missed a certain Eevee and was hoping this one...

"Fine." Was his short reply before he took out a Pokéball in his pocket and threw it. Another Eevee became present before your eyes, the creature letting out its signature caterwaul.

Who are you kidding anyway? Of course it is not that Eevee you were looking for. The one standing in front of you have common almond eyes, a difference from the Eevee you met when you were a child. That one has beautiful azure irisises. But you guess, Green won't remember it after all.

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