Contradicting Emotions

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"It's a most distressing affliction to have a sentimental heart and a skeptical mind."

"H-Hi I'm (y/n)....(l/n). Nice to meet you...Green."

Welp. There it is. Now you said it, with less to none stuttering (or so you thought). You were not ready for this, not in the slightest bit. Facing Green was not you were anticipating in your whole life. Blue should be blamed in the first place, if not for the intrusion of the girl, things shouldn't be this awkward. you it's awkward, not to them.

The shy aura you have seems to magically lighten Green's mood as some certain brunette tried to irritate him again by poking him randomly. He closed his eyes so he can't see that mug expression of Blue. "I guess you know my name, so there is no reason for me to introduce myself."

Green felt a painful force on his forehead hence why he snapped his eyes open just to see Blue sticking her tongue out. Before she was playfully poking him, and now she flicked him painfully. What's with this girl? He glowered at her, while said girl began hugging your stiff form. Well no doubt about that, you were scared stiff.

"You're being rude to my BFF! That's what you get~!"

Green grunted in response and muttered something under his breath. "I'm not being rude. You're not the one to talk after flicking me..."

She ignored Green (or probably didn't hear it) and then pointed her index finger threateningly to the spiky-haired brunette. She was still not releasing you poor figure from her iron embrace. "And I won't let you take away my (y/n)! I know your intentions Green! She won't be another one of your fangirls!" She said.


For the first time in a while, you spoke, yelled rather, grip on the ribbon on your hand intensifying. Your cheeks reddening visibly yet faint. You were curious and afraid of what was Green's reaction so you glance at him, hoping Blue's assertion won't faze him. And to your surprise, he was...BLUSHING??!! Oh hell no, not GONNA happen. How could that supposed threat makes him blush, for goodness sake? Although it was just a tiny speck of pink blush, it was still visible. Do Blue have some sort of magic to annoy and daunt people?

You saw him mumbled something for the second time, though you can't decipher what he said. Probably some 'stupid Blue' or something , OR maybe murmuring something along the lines of "Yeah, you're cute". Feeling your own cheeks heating up more from just the thought, you stop looking at him and instead glared half-heartedly at Blue.

Or maybe you're just delusional.

On the other hand, Blue was enjoying this. She didn't know Green would blush just because of that. So she grinned like a deranged Gengar and loosen her grip from (y/n). The desire to run away from Green was so strong, so she can ask what was your opinion about what she had done.

'They look like tomatoes!' Blue thought.

She held your hand, the one that wasn't holding the ribbon and impishly stared at the green-eyed teenager.

"It seems we still have business to do! See ya Green~"

He didn't look at you two, otherwise Blue would pester him more because he was blushing. That was rare, you see (He didn't know Blue already saw his blushing face XD).

Blue started dragging you, turning swiftly round the corner so Green won't see them. And with that, you two were out of his sight. Emerald eyes finally looked again, landing on your retreating form. It sure was a bad impression. He should probably see you later...

But then there was the blue-eyed creature always besides you.

"Tch. Annoying Blue..." He slur, leaving the library. That girl never failed to annoy him to be honest. But aside that fact, you're kinda interesting. You're quite familiar to say the least, although he can't put his fingers to it. Moreover, he admit that you are cute but...

Love Hurts (Red x Reader x Green)Where stories live. Discover now