The Start Of Something Beautiful

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It was a normal Friday night and Caitlin was working. Waitressing wasn't her first career choice but right now she had no choice. It was either that or lose her apartment. 

"Caitlin, please go home, you've been working all day. It's late," Tommy, the owner of the restaurant, pleaded. He was a very nice and kind man who was like a father to Caitlin. He gave her a job when she was at her lowest and looked after her as one of his own.

"I can't, I need the money. You know that" Caitlin replied. "I don't care about that, I care about you and your well-being. Please, for me," Tommy convinced. Caitlin nodded and untied her apron and hung in on the rack, grabbed her bag and coat and walked out the door, giving Tommy a kind smile.

Caitlin unlocked her phone and found a text message from her best friend Felicity. It read: "Hey, can you come to the club with me tonight. We really need to take our minds off of our problems." Caitlin sighed but agreed to go as Felicity wasn't in a good place right now.

Felicity's boyfriend had been cheating on her and she recently caught him with some other woman. Therefore, it was Caitlin's duty as her best friend to be there for her. They both had a lot of pain in their lives and that's why they got on and understood each other so well.

Caitlin quickly rushed back to her apartment and put on a dress that she hadn't worn in years and quickly applied some makeup so she wouldn't look so miserable. 


Barry had left work early because his best friend Cisco needed him. Ever since the death of his brother, Cisco had been in quite the depressed state. However, he liked to bury his pain and tried to be his carefree self and wanted to go to some club that was supposed to be some hotspot for tonight.

Although clubbing wasn't really Barry's idea of fun, he'd do just about anything for Cisco. They'd been friends for so long and they're more like brothers, family.

The Captain would be angry but Cisco was important than Barry's job at CCPD. Barry honestly loved his job but family will always come first. He learned that the hard way.

His last girlfriend, Iris, left him because he was too focussed on work.Sometimes he still misses her but something had been telling him that their relationship wouldn't work out for a while. She just wasn't the one. However, one thing he knew for sure: He wouldn't make the same mistake again.

General Perspective

Caitlin approached Felicity who was staring into space, looking pretty depressed. "Hey girl," Caitlin greeted softly. "Hey," Felicity replied sadly. "Wanna drink?" she asked. Caitlin nodded and Felicity walked up to the bartender and got about five drinks. They both needed to drink away their pain.

Pretty quickly, the two of them downed the drinks and were pretty tipsy. Their sad expressions turned to happy smiles and they went to the dancefloor to dance.

Meanwhile, Barry entered the club and looked for Cisco. Surprisingly, he wasn't there. He ordered a drink and sat at a table. He noticed two young women. One blonde and one brunette. The brunette particularly stood out to him and he watched her for a long time.

She was very beautiful but something about her seemed like that her happiness was only because of the alcohol. Her hazel eyes held pain and sadness.

After a few minutes, the brunette walked away from her friend and back to their table where some guy approached her.


"Hey beautiful, would you like to have some fun?" some clearly drunk guy asked. "No, thank you," Caitlin replied timidly. "Awww, come on," the man slurred, grabbing her arm. "Get off me!" she screeched, trying to pull away from him but he was too strong. "Leave me alone!"

"The lady told you no. Leave her alone!" A young man interrupted. "Okay, no need to be like that," the drunk guy replied, walking away.

"Are you okay, miss?" The young man asked. "Yeah, thank you. I'm Caitlin, Caitlin Snow," Caitlin replied. "Barry, Barry Allen," Barry said. "Can I buy you a drink? For saving me there," Caitlin asked. He simply nodded and sat down next to her. Caitlin got up and went to the bar.


Barry couldn't quite believe that the girl that he'd been watching for the last ten minutes was actually buying him a drink. This had never happened before, maybe it's a sign. Not to mention how beautiful she was. 

When Barry woke up this morning he did not think he'd meet such a beauty today. Her wavy auburn curls and her sad hazel eyes were like a magnet to him and he couldn't keep his eyes off of her

General Perspective

Caitlin returned with two more drinks in her hand. She handed one to Barry and kept one for herself. "So what do you do?" he asked. "I'm a waitress. Part-time. I'm working on my medical degree but it's so hard nowadays to keep up with my degree and work. I barely make enough to keep my apartment but I don't have any other choice. What about you?" Caitlin replied sadly.

"I'm a forensic scientist at CCPD. Although lately, it hasn't done me any favors," he answered. "How come?" 

"My last girlfriend left me because she thought I spent too much time at work,"

"Well, it's her loss. Don't let that stop you from doing your job. Clearly, she isn't the right one for you," Caitlin assured.

"What about you? Do you have anyone special?" he asked, hoping that she was single. "Smooth, Mr Allen. No, I'm single. Besides, why would anyone want to date me? I'm nothing special," she replied. "That's not true. Your beautiful and kind and intelligent and adorable, especially when you bite your lip," he argued, not realising he was babbling and making her blush.

For some reason, the two of them felt connected somehow. It felt like more than mutual attraction. Something about it felt right so much so that they found themselves gazing into each others eyes. Slowly, they leant in to kiss each other. It was a tender yet passionate kiss which lasted for several minutes.

After breaking apart but still having full eye contact and their foreheads were still connected, Caitlin whispered: "Why don't we go back to my place?". Barry kissed her again, stood up, took her hand and they left the club together, feeling like they were on oxygen supply.

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