Chapter 4 - Like Déjà Vu.

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A/N Asterisks (*) -mark Footnotes- footnotes will be at the bottom of the chapter.


A freezing gush of cold wind blew past him as Marcus tugged on his coat inwards, wrapping it around his body and stretching it to its full extent. He rubbed his icy hands together trying to warm them up as he walked down the street and around the corner. The temperature had dropped significantly since the last time he was out. Keeping his head low Marcus watched the wet fallen leaves as they crackled under his feet and crushed under his weight. The condensing breath in the air amused him as he chuckled.

Marcus kept the steady and fast pace while being completely distracted and unaware of what was in front. When he crashed –head first— on to a hard surface, his hand shot to his forehead and a groan escaped his lips. The numbing pain from the collision shot through his scull. The crash that soon followed caught his attention and his head shot up, realization seeped in when his gaze fixed on the person before him. He immediately apologized and got down to his knees while picking up the white bags that were scattered on the side of the road.

"Marcus?" A familiar voice called curiously from above. Holding some bags he came up to his feet and looked at the tall figure that stood before him. Oh my god.

How had he not realized it before? Marcus's gaze fell on the Amber eyes that pierced right into him. Taken back with slight shock he blinked several times. It was definitely like déjà vu.

"Mr.....Dalton." He said in disbelief. Allen Dalton was the last person that he'd expected to bump into –quite literally—on the side of the road.

"Allen." He corrected Marcus with a smile "What are you doing out in the cold?" He narrowed his gaze in question.

"Shopping...I guess." Marcus lied. "What are you doing out in this weather?" Marcus questioned hoping to change the topic.

"The same I suppose. I was just about to carry those up." He replied pointing to the white heavy bags that Marcus still had in his hands.

"Oh...umm, sorry... here y-." Marcus began nervously, his cheeks heated with embracement. For once he was glad that it was cold and his skin had already tinted pink.

"No. there's more, maybe you can help me." Allen's tone sounded more like an order than a request. "Let me just grab the rest out of the car." He pronounced then jogged to the black Bentley and grabbed the rest of the identical bags from the boot.

"It's just here...." He said, emerging from the back and pointed to the town house. "And watch your step. These tend to get a bit slippery." Allen warned with playfulness outlining his tone. So this is where he lives! Marcus thought as they both walked up the short flight of stairs. Tilting his head up Marcus looked at three story building, it was impressive. Allen kicked the door from the toe of his shoe and grinned at Marcus. The black shiny wooden door slowly opened and a man dressed in black stood at the foot of it.

The man's expression was grim. His brown eyes widened from beneath his heavy graying brows as they flung from Allen to Marcus questioningly.

"Welcome back sir." He said in a monotone voice. Without another word the old man stepped aside allowing Allen to walk in.

"Just put them in the corner," Allen said pointing to the corner near the door.

The idea was to leave as soon as he had helped Allen but as soon as Marcus tried to step back out Allen's voice made him turn.

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