Chapter 19 - Confessions & Frustrations.

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There was one thing and one thing alone that Julian was aware of at that moment in time. He sat on his bed staring at the television monitor as the end credits to 'pan's labyrinth' rolled up the screen. The room was dark and sleep was sneaking up on him, yawning and stretching he sighed and switched the television off. With that the whole room succumbed into darkness. The smile that danced on his lips weren't unexpected; the cause was the slight pressure which pressed against his shoulder, it was more or less the person whom it belonged to –Marcus. Julian slowly turned his head and looked down at Marcus who seemed to be in a pleasant undisturbed slumber. Even in the darkness, he could make out the outline of Marcus' face, the shape of his small nose the way his lips stayed parted as he breathed in his sleep.

Who would have thought that after over a year of fantasying about Marcus, the one and only man that ever had his interest –other than his best friend- that Julian would be in this position. Despite all those days he spent staring at Marcus while he was acutely unaware of this secret admirer, Julian not once thought that there would be a day where he would be sitting on his bed with Marcus casually leaning against his shoulder as he slept. The scenario was brilliant; he sublimely wished that it would stay, possibly forever.

Marcus stirred in his sleep catching Julian's attention one last time. He wondered whether he should let the man sleep there on his bed or he should just wake him up. It wasn't the most appealing idea, why would he, why should he wake him up. He saw no reason.

Brushing Marcus' hair away from his face Julian shifted aside from the bed, slowly catching Marcus as he fell onto bed and cautiously laying him on the soft pillows and under the now pulled sheets, Julian leaned over and kissed his cheek. Marcus mumbled incoherently under his breath, and turned over. Julian held in the small chuckle and made himself comfortable next to Marcus. He decided that if Marcus did wake up the next day and freaked he would lie and say that they may have fallen asleep during the move. It seemed like a foolproof excuse.

Surprisingly, as daybreak came the following morning and Marcus awoke to see Julian's sleeping face next to him, he blinked, at first he thought it was an illusion, a trick of the light, but no there he was in his perfection sleeping like nothing in the world mattered. When realization hit Marcus shot up from where he laid only to be pulled back. It was then that he noticed how Julian had his arm securely placed around Marcus' waist. His heart picked up its pace, Marcus wasn't used to having someone sleep so closely before, other than Craig and someone of girlfriends, no-one slept next to him.

Swallowing nervously Marcus lied on his back and turned to stare at Julian.

"It's rude to stare you know." That's what he expected to hear, in the back of his mind he could almost hear and see Julian say something along those lines, so he was cautious of his actions.

He had to admit though; it felt rather nice being there. If someone had told him a few months ago that he was starting to fall for a partner at the law firm who also happened to be a man, he would have not only laughed in their face, Marcus would have also paid-them-out to no end. But yet, here he was, under the protective hold of none other than Julian Dalton. He chuckled lowly to himself and closed his eyes as he contemplated the events of the past month.

The sun wasn't up yet, it was still dark outside so he assumed that it was no where near seven. Scooting closer to Julian's warm body Marcus draped one of his arms around Julian's torso and nuzzled into his warm chest. Hell, he thought, if Julian asked why he could always just blame it on sleep walking or something...

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