Chapter 12 - Obsession

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Cold water cascaded down Marcus's back snaking around his naked body making him shiver and calming him down at the same time. He pressed his head against the cold tiled wall and squeezed his eyes shut. The surge of lust that he had woken up with was baffling.

Marcus had never woken up with such sexual desire in his entire life. It was rather strange for a man –considering men thought about sex at least three times every minute of every day, to have such a low sexual drive as Marcus did. This led him to believe that he may be asexual, which he was perfectly okay with. But ever since two days ago, where he somehow managed to turn a not-so-sexual kiss into a hot and steamy make-out session inside the office elevator, it caught him completely off guard.

He remembered clearly how he longed for Julian to replace him lips onto his every time they pulled away. How his heart pounded louder and faster with every nip and suck. The feeling of never wanting to let go consumed him. I'm in deep shit. Marcus thumped his head on the tiles and ignored the pain that shot through his skull. He had to deal with what ever the alien sensation was. Thankfully, he was already on New Year holiday which meant that he wouldn't have to see Julian for another few weeks it was more than enough time for him to get his thoughts straight.

Once he stepped out from the shower and had changed into his nightwear, Marcus made his way to his bedroom where he was greeted with a familiar face. A wide grin and twinkling eyes greeted him.

"So, ready to talk or...." the man that sat on Marcus's bed chuckled "do you want to go and take another shower" he chuckled.

"Shut up" wined and dropped onto the bed next to the man. Three showers in one night, not cold showers, although the last one was in fact a cold shower but that was for him to know and for no one to find out... especially the one who had been the main reason for it –Julian. The man with the sinful smile, lips –he mentally slapped himself. Straight thoughts he told himself, but he couldn't help but let his mind wonder.

"What am I going to do Craig?" Marcus muttered under his breath. His question was only replied with a raised brow and a questioning look. Marcus hadn't told Craig anything he knew. This was why Marcus called him over –to talk. Marcus thought, considering Craig was gay he would know, or at least answer some questions. He did trust Craig after all.

Marcus sighed and motioned Craig to sit closer to him, which Craig complied to. Silence and discomfort thickened the air. With a tight lump in his throat he sighed again.

"Wow, this must be something big" Craig paused. "I don't think I've ever seen you 'sigh' this much before" Craig chuckled.

Why Marcus had chosen to trust Craig was not really a mystery. Even after Craig kissed him at the cemetery there was nothing that held Marcus back from acting like he did towards Craig. Marcus loved him like a brother would –more or less, and he trusted him. Craig, in the years they've known each other had never broken Marcus's trust. So Marcus knew that Craig was the one and only person he could trust with something like this and the only person who wouldn't judge him or misunderstand what he was going through.

Cracking a small timid smile Marcus sighed again.

"Spill it Marcus or I might die of anticipation" Craig joked.

"I –I kissed someone..." Marcus's features grimaced.

"Bravo?" When Marcus looked over to Craig, he looked thoroughly confused.

"No" Marcus paused and licked his cold dry lips. "I mean, I kissed a guy..."

"OH" Craig nodded to himself and focused on the floor with a concentrated stare. Marcus waited for Craig's reply while playing with the hem of his shirt.

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