Chapter 18 - Fear of Loss.

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"That isn't him though," Jonathan said, stressing his words with great importance.

The man that stood before Jonathan wasn't the same old man who'd been coming in and placing orders. Julian and Marcus exchanged looks, perplexed. The description matched the man to a T; it had to have been him, who else could it be.

"What do you mean by 'that isn't him'?" Marcus asked in disbelief. He didn't want to run into another dead-end. Of course apart of him didn't want the man to be Charles because that would only mean Julian had something to do with it, and Marcus just knew it wouldn't end well. He didn't want to suspect Julian, who had gotten strangely close to him within such a small time frame.

"Look, Marcus. Yes I've seen him before. But he wasn't the one who kept ordering flowers for you." Jonathan pronounced, leaning in to Marcus. Narrowing his eyes Marcus turned his attention away from Jonathan and Julian and stared at the polished red floors, then turned his attention at Charles. The man stood closer to the main entrance of the shop and he seemed unfazed by it all.

The way Charles looked at Marcus still didn't feel right, it was a look of defensive dislike. Why the man acted this way towards Marcus was a mystery to him. As Marcus continued to partially glare at Charles the man's expressions didn't change. His gaze was locked on his master, Julian.

Marcus let out a puff of air in frustration. Julian squeezed Marcus' shoulder reassuringly. When Marcus turned slightly to look at Julian the concerned look on his face only made Marcus' chest tighten and his blood pump faster. Having Julian close was messing with his emotions. His heart would race erratically every time and he could barely keep his eyes off the perfect specimen.

"Don't worry," Julian whispered softly. His hand slipped from Marcus' shoulder to his lower back, he shuddered. The feeling of the man's large hand on the small of his back made his hair stand on his skin like static. A slight shiver ran down his spine when Julian rubbed Marcus' back. Subconsciously Marcus closed his eyes, and for a split second and wondered what Julian's soft lips would feel like on the base of his neck –nipping at his skin. Goosebumps erupted on his arms and neck as he let him mind wonder.

The feeling would be intensely pleasurable; his neck was his weakest point. Biting down on his lower lip he was shocked back to reality when the sound of a melodic tone chimed. Marcus abruptly opened his eyes. To much of his displeasure Julian removed his hand from Marcus' back and moved away while glancing down at his phone.

"Sorry I've got to take this," Julian said while fiddling with his phone and smiling apologetically. Marcus smiled, nodded and watched Julian leave the store. Charles followed soon behind and exited the store leaving Jonathan and Marcus alone.

"So what's up with you and that guy?" Jonathan asked, raising a brow and gesturing to Julian who was pacing outside while talking on the phone rather animatedly.

"Huh?" Marcus narrowed his eyes, confused.

"Don't play dumb Marcus, I saw the way you look at him," Jonathan stated. Clipping the ends of several rose stems and arraigning them in to a perfect bouquet. "Just so you know he seems to like you too."

It was this comment that shocked Marcus, even though it wasn't a mystery –After all Marcus already knew how Julian felt- that was how all of this started, but hearing someone else say it was so alien like.

"I'm not playing dumb Jonathan, I don-"

"Oh shut up. You were always on the thick side... anyway, it's your business. Honestly, I never pegged you, of all people, to be gay. But HAY! It's okay. As long as you're happy," Jonathan forced a smile onto his soft featured face and looked up at Marcus. "I've got nothing against it. Anyway, here –these are for you." Jonathan said, slipping a small card into a small pearl colored envelope and placed it inside the cage of roses. Smiling at his work Jonathan handed the bouquet to Marcus.

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