Chapter 23 - Red as Blood, Lust and Love.

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There are only 3 chapters left, scream! Anyway. This is chapter 23! and remember this (IMPORTANT) everytime you see : ( * * * ) it is a POV change. so don't get confused. I doubt you will, but I thought I'll let you guys know.

Lastly, but not least; If you still have QUESTIONS about what the hell is going on, or anything at all, please submit them in the comment section with the #QASA or Inbox them to me and they will be answered at the end of the story in the Questions & Answers section.

ENJOY! Let me know what you think. I will Check any mistakes later, for now here is the new chapter, raw and wonderful. lol

Thank You




Red-- the colour of lust, deception and romance. Yet there's something hunting and sinister about it. The devil wore red. It's also the colour of blood, chaos and Marcus was weak at the sight of it. He was never strong; he hated the sight of blood, since he was child. His stomach turned, he felt light headed. Even some forms of BDSM repulsed him. So when the duct-tape was ripped off from Julian's lips causing him to cough out the blood that had accumulated inside his mouth and dribbled down from his lips, down his stubble grown jaw line, Marcus felt light headed, he was about to collapse. He'd never seen so much blood in his entire life. The only reason he stood standing was fear of what might happen to Julian. He had to stay strong, for Julian if not for himself.

Marcus tried to tear his eyes away from all the blood that had begun to pool on the floor and focus on Dorian who walked back and forth with the bat across his shoulders, muttering to himself.

"Marcus, why-." Julian began, pain coated his voice.

"You," Dorian said, cutting Julian off and pointing the bat at him. "Don't speak." The handle of the bat was rammed into Julian's ribs, he coughed again as he swayed in the chair. Marcus could tell that Julian was going in and out of consciousness and his heart dropped. When he heard a significant crack from Julian as his rib snapped, he swore that he could feel it as well. It sent chills all the way to his bone marrow.

"Fine, I get it, you're hurt." Marcus breathed out the words, ignoring that Julian had tired speaking. "But why can't you just let. It. Go?" Even he was astonished at how stern his voice sounded.

Dorian scoffed. "Looks like you've decided to show some balls Marcus?" He tilted his head, and watched Marcus. "Let me tell you why..." He paced the room for a moment, gathering his thoughts then turned to Marcus. "He had no right to dump me like that, like I was nothing." Dorian snarled, making Marcus flinch. "He's an asshole, and he deserves everything he's about to get."

"Dorian, you're scaring my baby." The third, rather familiar voice spoke out. Marcus turned on his heals towards the darkness, but saw nothing. The stench of cigarette smoke was heavy in the air and Marcus couldn't ignore the third presence that loomed. Marcus gritted his teeth and sucked in a sharp breath and readied himself to speak, but he was cut off.

"Maybe my baby is right," The darkness spoke. "Maybe you should stop lingering on Julian. He is lost cause. I mean look at him, he's so pathetic."

Dorian laughed and walked over to Julian, circled him. Then ran his fingers through the bruised man's hair he shamelessly kissed his forehead. "Why would I do that?" He spoke into the kiss. "I love seeing him like this, He reminds me of a marionette." Dorian's fingers ran down Julian's chest and back up. Feeling the toned, tattooed and bruised muscle he smiled and looked up into the darkness. It was as if Dorian's eyes could see something that Marcus' couldn't.

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