Chapter 8 - Mors Vincit Omnia

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A/N: The title of this chapter is"Mors Vincit Omnia" which is latin: It stands for "death always wins" or "in the end, death conquers all" ^_^ as the chapter goes you'll find out why.

PS check out external link for the ambigram tattoo ;) ...


Marcus didn't know where he was. He wasn't even aware that he was in some strange apartment until he opened his eyes. When everything around him registered in his head, he panicked. Heat shot through him as his heart thumped. Where was he? He wasn't in his normal clothes either. The short sleeved t-shirt he had on was two sizes too big on his slim frame, and it didn't belong to him. The light blue pajama pants hung loosely around his waist. How and when had he changed his clothes?

Marcus jumped out from the bed and furiously turned trying to understand what was going on. The bed he had been laying in was facing a large scale window that opened to the City of Manhattan, it overlooked Central Park. The room was white washed and overwhelmingly simple and empty. The light that pored through the glass made everything even brighter and standout. Where am I? He asked. There were no answers around him. His head throbbed. As he clutched his head, he remembered. He remembered what happed the night before. Someone had picked him up from the side of the road. The thought of being in some random person's house scared him to the core.

Could he get killed? Rap*d Killed?

.....Sold to the slave trade?

He looked around the room. Wasn't quite ready to go out and face who ever was outside. No Pictures were in sight. There were books, files, a shirt, nothing more –not even a stack of clothes. A blue-black suit lay on the floor next to the bed; Marcus didn't touch it, just skipped over it and walked around the room. It was strange how it looked like no one really lived there.

Walking out from the room, the smell of bacon made him stomach growl. He tried to shush his stomach. Didn't want the stranger hearing his hungry stomach growl, and give away that he was awake. There was someone there, the thought just made his blood run cold. He froze in place and caught his breath. Ignoring his apparent hunger he made his way down towards the smell. The place was large. A very large condo.

Slowing down his steps and he tip toed to the end of the hall, and peeked around the corner. It opened to the kitchen and an attached large living area that stretched out creating a large empty space.

His blood ran cold when he saw a shirtless man standing over the stove. The man ran his fingers through his dark thick short hair and stood with his back to Marcus. Who was it?

Who the hell is that!

He tried to calm his heavy and uneven breath and stayed quiet. Strategy –that's what popped into his mind. A strategy to get out without being noticed.

"Are you feeling better now?" The voice startled him, and he jumped. The strange man knew Marcus was awake, his heart thumped even louder. Slowly walking out from the shadows, he approached the man. He still had his back to Marcus.

Marcus studied the man's posture. His physical build screamed attraction and dominance. The man was lean but muscular, obvious muscle build from working out. A tattoo on his back caught his eyes. Mors Vincit Omnia –it said in bold lettering. It was tattooed over the man's shoulder blade in black ink. Marcus muttered the words to himself. It sounded like Latin. It wasn't hard to admit that it was cool.

"Yeah..." Marcus mumbled after a long pause. Was he supposed to say 'thank you'? He wondered. Why was the man even without a shirt? He could have been a rapist.... But he shook the idea away; it was only making him feel even more paranoid. The man knew his name –suddenly he remembered. He clearly remembered.

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