Chapter 14 - Want

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Heyloo! I'm super exited for this chapter. Yay! Chapter Probs isn't that long, but its quality over quantity right? Anyway, it'd be super helpful if you guys could tell me your thoughts on this one. Cause I was a bit skeptical about it. Especially now all hell's about to break loose, or so I'm hoping. >.>

I know at this moment some are like "WTF, who is it!" and that's exactly how I planned it. What's the point of it if you already know the answer?

I love the guesses, and I could say some of you were close. This chapter should eliminate some of the possibilities of who S.A could be, for good. Use the process of elimination darlings. ;)

And I would like to thank the two lovely ladies who will be taking on the task of editing this. Thank you. Love you girls.


Please do, vote if you enjoyed the chapter & leave a comment perhaps but most of all enjoy. =)


Images flickered on his laptop monitor. They were shocking; he couldn't tear his eyes away from the flickering bright screen. He didn't regret his actions. He would never regret kissing Marcus. He'd been waiting for a moment like that since the first day he laid eyes on the boy. There was no way he would ever regret it. But just the thought of someone knowing made him uneasy. They were planning something, it was possible blackmail material. In the wrong hands the video could have terrible consequences, on both of them. He could just see the news headlines. It wasn't his reputation that he worried about, he couldn't careless about that, but if Marcus got caught in a scandal like this it could tear him apart. The reporters would trample all over him.

First there were the letters. They made little to no sense. How they had made it onto his presents was a mystery. Why someone would even think of doing something of the sort? It wasn't right, it was twisted. Then there were the presents that Julian hadn't sent, and now the video. Something was terribly wrong with the picture. None of the puzzle pieces fit together. It was either someone was interfering and trying to sabotage everything or they were planning something obscure. He had to find out who it was before it was too late. Something just wasn't right about the situation.

The effect it was having on Marcus was even more unbearable. Julian couldn't stop thinking about it, it just didn't make sense. He couldn't stand thinking about the effect it was having on Marcus. He needed copies of the letters. It couldn't be just one person, didn't seem like it, the clues were everywhere. It all appeared to be premeditated.

Maybe that was the answer. Maybe it wasn't one person. But that was preposterous. Either way he was not going to allow them to continue this any further.

Waking up that particular morning was exhausting. He felt tired and restless. The fogged windows and the cold air didn't make it any better. It was the first day of the New Year and honestly it wasn't starting to feel like a good start to the New Year.

Julian felt a pang of heartache that he hadn't felt in a while. All night worry had rummaged his thoughts to the point where his eyes felt dry.

The position Marcus was in was terrible. How and why would anyone do such as thing? He couldn't bear to see Marcus in such pain. Something had to be done, but the question was 'what'? Except for the letters, he didn't have a single lead. He didn't even know where to begin. The letters were useless because they made it seem as if Julian had sent them when he clearly hadn't. They gave no away no clues.

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