Chapter 15 - More Than This

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"So let me get this straight. You kissed him?" The amusement and intrigue in Craig's voice was apparent and it only caused annoyance to build with in Marcus. "You of all people kissed him! Wow."

"Yeah..." Marcus deadpanned and rolled his eyes. He was slowly beginning to regret telling Craig about the incident.

"Why did you do it?" The question caught Marcus off-guard. He had been avoiding asking himself that same question because deep down he knew the answer and it was something that he was in constant denial about. Things were moving too fast, he was not supposed to feel this way.

"Umm....I over-reacted?" Marcus tried to cover up the truth that lied behind what he had done. His voice however, sounded as if he was trying to convince himself of the lie. Even if he had overreacted he wouldn't have kissed someone. He would have had the common sense not to play with fire and just let it go. Kissing was anything but over-reacting. Apart of him had wanted to do it.

"WAIT... why is there an echo?" Craig suddenly inquired. "Are you in the bathroom Marcus?" Craig's tone turned playful and accusing.

"NO..." Marcus defended quickly. A bit too quickly. "Maybe... Fine yes" He said face palming.

"Don't tell me that you're inside the bathrooms hiding from him!" Craig laughed. His sharp laugh bellowed from the other side.

"Fine, I won't tell you."

"Oh God!" Craig signed but the amusement in his voice seemed to grow. He was enjoying this; there was no doubt about it.

"Craig, I haven't seen him since I-I did ... t-that. What if he wants to talk about it?" Just the thought of it sent Marcus' heart on a racing spree.

"Dude! Leave the god damn bathroom and go do your job." Craig warned. Even if he was younger there was a sense of authority in his voice and Marcus groaned in frustration. Why couldn't Craig taking any of it seriously? He may be out and proud about his sexuality but Marcus was far from it.

"It's not like I have a choice? Sooner or later I have to go outside. God!" He wished it was the latter but he knew that there was no way he could stay inside the office bathrooms. But if he could he would.

Looking up at the mirror that stretched across the wall, he smiled, or tired to. Leaning against the sinks before the mirror he stared at his miserable image that stared back at him. His expectation sank, he looked terrible. Looking much like the sleep deprived living-dead, he signed. His hair was messy and his tie hung loose around his neck. Feeling a sudden sense of self-consciousness Marcus patted down his hair messy-hair trying to fix the untamed strands that flew in every direction. It was down right awful.

Craig's laughter reached Marcus' ears after a moment of silence during which Marcus had managed to forget that he was one the phone with Craig.

"M-a-r-c-u-s..." Craig dragged out the words slowly, melodically and teasingly. Craig new exactly how much he hated it when anyone said his name that way.


"Why do you have a box of stuff in your apartment....with strange notes...?" Craig murmured. For a fraction of a second Marcus wondered what Craig was talking about, but upon realization his blood ran cold. "What the hell is all of this?" He heard Craig's distant voice as he spoke to himself in curiosity. He had to tell Craig about the incident. For one; Marcus had been avoiding it. He didn't want anyone else to be involved, mainly because he was certain that he could handle it by himself. Before Marcus could speak the bathroom doors swung opened and a clearly startled man stood at the entrance. He glared at Marcus before gathering himself and heading to the urinals. Avoiding the awkwardness that hung in the air Marcus slipped out from the Bathrooms. He no longer had privacy to speak and he couldn't stay in the bathrooms with people coming in to do their business.

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